wow... i havent been on here for awhile... my computers dead so i dont have access to the internet... frown

but i hope to earn enough cash soon to go visit the apple store so just hold tight kids wink

in the mean time, just a quick update of my boring life... whatever i am back at school for its final weeks of the semester, then working their...
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survive Christmas???
comming to the city this weekend...are you going to be around???
a one month unlimited metro card is a MUST for getting around nyc. costs over $70 a month. you know if you ride the metro more than twice day, it is cheaper to get the unlimited. but it sucks if you lose this card twice in two weeks! mad gotta get another one today coz i accidently threw it away last night when i was mad...
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no, i'm not an SGI member. i practice in the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism though. Always good to meet other Buddhists.
Just wondering if you made it through the Holiday??? I hope it wasnt too tedious???
ive decided love gone wrong is a poison.
we were both mad tired and cranky one night and before i knew it, our relationship was over.
i can't breathe, i can't stop crying. i can't stop cutting.

how do i get out of this one? if i knew, i wouldnt be bleeding all over... frown
hey baby kidrobot thats where you will find sum toys wink
wooo I missed your birthday!! I was in Hawaii...
Anyway, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa
sO, i moved into my new apt this week.

thought i loved it for the archetectiual details.

but i was mad drunk yesterday and saw a MOUSE eeek
i saw it again this morning in my bedroom closet puke

i find a mouse on the one weekend my man is out of town and not reachable... whatever this is great. i can't touch anything that moves that i...
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Just set a few traps!!! OR Get a Cat.
I like those new mouse traps that just keeps the mouse inside it. It's clean and easy to get rid off tongue
i am mad drunk at 1 in the afternoon.

i have decided that i hate the real world coz every time i try to be nice and good it always flops and i get yelled at. so fuck that shit. i am done.

i wanna go to grad school. does hampshire have grad programs?
Specifically I dont think Hampshire has a grad program but part of Five Colleges, Inc., which of course includes the University, Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, and Smith College with UMass the main hub. Are you considering returning to the Happy Valley?
Hey Mai. I am actually not very interested in reviews of my work. I actually hardly paint anymoretongue
Yeah don't be niceor people will walk all over you mad
hey yO peeps in SG land!

i got 7 more days to find a new apt to avoid being homeless. blackeyed can't deny that im getting nervous....

on a lighter note, i just got some action from my man last night in ... 2 weeks?! eeek no wOnder my pussy was sO tight. his dick felt sOOOO good. love hee hee. blush finAlly finished putting medicine up my pussy....
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It all depends on needs, personalities and desire but at least a few months like half a year.
living in the hood is so comlicated. confused

so much history, tight social network, unspoken rules, ghetto mentality, too many temptations...

i almost got fucked again... whatever i let this nigga stay at my house coz he didnt have anywhere to go. we used to hang out awhile back. he's total eye candy. love but i almost got fucked. coz of course he is a horny motherfucka. my...
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well holla at me on th prono tip. I can help ya with that wink
looking for apts in nyc is like HELL puke

reality agencies lie by saying they have PLENTY of buildings all over manhattan. then, they can only offer me ONE apt unit in all of harlem. mad i have such a headache.... im going to see two more units tomorrow. hope its the jackpot wink

i know of the craigslist but its just such a tedious process... im sO...
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he's right, my girfriend just moved into the financial district. She had nightmares trying to find a place in manhattan.
thanx babe.
just woke up... skull this theatre gig i had this weekend totally fucked up my sleeping schedule... surreal but im totally glad its over love i was a techie for a french dance company and it was .... a valuable experience. wink puke

me: "so the dancers are gonna enter stage right?"

choreographer: "no. from LEFT."

me: (looking at where shes pointing)
"but thats called stage right"

c: "no. you...
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i feel so great right now!

im starting to take care of myself again now that im back at my own crib after weeks of living out of a bag wink
i went for a gyn and hiv testing yesterday. took forEVER mad
ive been cleaning my apt all morning eeek
and i have a couple of red bulls in me.
life is good wink

im supposed to move...
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thanks for the comments. it helps. thought more about you and your family yesterday. will write about it later. why do you have to leave harlem?
thanks for the comments. it helps. thought more about you and your family yesterday. will write about it later. why do you have to leave harlem?