A small excerpt from Boxrunner, the first book in The Deep System.

The Passion of Anna

  • Eva Vergerus: It's difficult when you realize one day that you're completely meaningless. That nobody needs you, even though all you want to do is give. It's probably my own fault, but it's paralyzing.


blog post by abashima
Do you enjoy fierce, intense, crazy-distinct visually amazing immersive post apocalyptic wasteland movies that scream hope, despair, violence and love so loud they’re so quietly intense that you can’t hear anything over the sound of Anya Taylor-Joy’s eyes? Then may I recommend Furiosa.

I came on the site back from party in idea of hot videos to masturbate before going to sleep and finally I got a lullaby that's the cool thing of SG

"Whose hands are these,
Alien and aimless?
Picking through all the things
That I've stored whеre longing lives.
Someonе told me once
Want is never painless;
Someone told me once
Passing is all that pain is...
Inside my chest, a string of wants could stretch for miles.
I think that it breaks apart my fragile ribs
When I'm unmoving for a while."


blog post by tombs888


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