Still remember seeing her in a dive bar here in Vegas years ago, so amazing:

saw this really great post on Twitter yesterday that said (paraphrasing):
Shout out to suicidal people who are still here because of their loved ones. I know it hurts, but hopefully one day you will want to be here just as much as your loved ones want you here.
And I really felt seen. I'm pretty honest and open about it, but the only reason...
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Being open and honest it’s important. I don’t know if this applies to you, but I’ve found that suicidal people often don’t want to die, they just want their pain and suffer to end and they see no other way. I’ve had RA since I was 15. Telling me it could be worse, I could be a 9 year old with terminal cancer, doesn’t help. All it does is make me feel like an ass for feeling unhappy about myself.
@inkedodie yeah, that lovely combo of guilt and shame is the best 😞