Today, please raise your glass to Lisa Gherardini, an Italian noblewoman born in 1452 who married a cloth and silk merchant in her teens, becoming Lisa del Giocondo and giving him six children. Her husband commissioned her portrait in 1503 which has since become the most famous painting in the world. You probably know her better as the Mona Lisa 🥳🍷

pretty cool! 🫶🏻
@AMOROUS, I thought so ❤️

In memory of Douglas Adams. ❤️ For all you hitch-hiker's out there. Happy Towel Day! 🥳 Don't panic and put a fish in your ear. 😮🤣

Don’t Panic!
@SKISBY is a hoopy frood 😄👍

No disrespect intended, but. It occurs to me that what Pink Week really means is that SGs get a respite from competing with Hopefuls. Seven days when they don't have to fight to stay ahead of the curve. Seven days when they can rest on their laurels. It says a lot about the level and quality of Hopeful competition that SGs need to take a...
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Thank you so much for being so lovely, your support means a lot to me, and so glad you found your new fav set 🤣❤️❤️❤️🍎

You are very welcome ❤️ But, not my NEW fav set. This is my first. Stiff competition, etc  😳

May the Fourth be with you. This is the May.

I really enjoyed Star Wars Rebels with the cutest Mandalorian you ever did see. 😍 But it's only now as I watch Ahsoka I realise Sabine Wren is a Suicide Girl. ❤️ We are not alone, the truth is out there, etc 🛸

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Happy Imbolc, or however you say it. 🥳

If you're in the northern hemisphere, astronomically February 1 is the first day of Spring. I think we're supposed to light a bonfire and dance around it, hopefully not naked as it's the depth of winter.

Of course, this is when winter is at its height. So we are about to get the worst weather along with...
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@FREDHINCANADA I'm enjoying a few beautiful Spring days with overnight frosts. The crocuses are blooming, etc. But the bad weather is still to come 😨
There's usually snow when the lambs are born. And farmers get caught with their pants down every year. By now you'd think they'd know to expect it. 🙄

It needs work to significantly improve its flying time, but this is definitely going on my Christmas List!


So, have you been Naughty or have you been Nice?

[Image Copyright: Hajime Sorayama]

I have been me.  Lol.
Tsk, tsk! 😄