Please join me in celebrating this illustrious Mexican holiday today, "George Lopez Day." Where we join our Mexican brothers and sisters in celebrating the rise and dominance of comedian and conquistador, the one and only George Lopez, former King of Mexico, who came to America for a better life and paved the way for all who came after him. Mr. Lopez, we salute you! Todo...
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Saw Smashing Pumpkins last night. Yeah, it was only Billy and a whole new band, but it was awesome for what it was. Really great show!
So I quit drinking. Really got to be where it was all I ever thought about and became something that my life has been revolving around. Got to the point where I couldn't go out and do anything unless drinking was involved. Realized I was drinking 72 beers a week and that's not counting when I go to bars. I'm on the 3rd day right...
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I've got a head full of Tylenol Sinus and two hours left at work. Not a good combo.
Through Afar

From far away to way out west,
color turns from brown to red
and in such fear the beast is fed
an ugly turn to keep their head.

In such soft light will killers rest?
Destroy the notion of a lovers best.

Turn the tide, ride the crest
of seemless thoughts meant to impress,
which may be harder to suggest
if the crime...
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I've got a 3 day weekend coming up and I can't wait! Where's the party at?
The key to winning any arguement is to convince the other person you are absolutely sure you know what you are talking about. Then, even if you are wrong it won't matter because you will have convinced them that you are right.