thought for the day:

my favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla.

my favorite flavor of woman is not.

love, zariat

ps: not-so-light reading link of the day...
I am always surprised how similar we are. My favorite ice cream is vanilla with chocolate bits and my favorite women flavor is chocolate with vanilla bits.

If I ever get my scanner fixed I will show u my favorite aussie shot

yeah travelling birds was on at the international filmfest here late last year, it was on my list to see and i was weirded out when everytime i went along it had sold out way in advance, even in the biggest cinema in auckland where it was being shown. crazy.
im gonna go check ebay and see if i can find some kind of micro/birds dvd's on the cheap.
ebay makes my credit card hurt real real bad!
i've also heard a lot of good things about 'spotless' so will be seeing that when it comes out over here.
oooh im soooo going to check out 'dark days'... that sounds amazing. i had an idea myself a couple of years ago abuot making a doco over here about the homeless people in auckland. if you ever hang around town there are quite a few familiar homeless people that you recognise all the time. it would be really interesting to interview them and find out about them and how they became homeless, what their daily routine is, some of the hardships theyve faced, etc. taking things further we could try and help the people who want help and want to find jobs or whatever and film their progress. ofcourse i know little to nothing about making film, and have no contacts in the industry so i'll probably never get it done, but who knows.
whats a good 'dead' album to start with? i imagine a live one?

so i've (unintentioanlly) stirred up some shit on the boards. well i hope no one was offended cos i didn't mean to do that. just wanted to hear what people had to say. so if you're checkin in here to flame me or see what i'm about, bring it... i'm happy to talk and i mean what i say so ask questions if ya got...
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heh, i said 'friend rice' ... a freudian slip, cos the people at that restaurant are definitely my friends. they know what i want before i order.
Hmm, i just checked out your boards contraversy. Seems like a valid question to me and I think theres a valid answer. The sites grown large enough that not every girl is going to suite everyones taste. In some senses it's become more unique by shifting a little more to the mainstream because theres more diversity in the site. Also, what makes an SG different is that you can read their journals, comment, talk to them, get to know them more than just a figure. Anyway, I think it's a good question, and thats my two centssmile Now off to class!
what the fuck is the deal with warts? i never had one in my life and suddenly there is one on my finger. is this shit contagious? how do i get rid of it? WTF?!??!?
I hope you got some kind of coherent answer from your thread (I think you know the one). It's descended into bickeriness now, which these things often do.

Meantime, I have no wart remedies. frown
I think some of the reverse-elitism thing was (at least in part) directed at other people, not necessarily at you.

Since your question has been asked before, the way I understand it and would explain it is, there's a definite style to SG girls (alterna, tattooed, pirerced, whatever), but there's a lot of latitude within that general set of parameters, so some girls look a lot different to other girls, some are very tattooed and pierced, some not so, etc.

As you're probably finding out, there's a lot of history here, lots of old photo sets and archives and whatnot. You'll find lots of what you're after, I'm sure. smile
joni mitchell is cool. i love how she sounds on vinyl with crackles and pops. yes my copy of this record is not so great but i think the organic-ness of it is cool anyways.

so i had a nice late night workin on my painting. almost there... and today so far doin' a website for don peyote. exciting stuff!

"we can't return, we can...
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i *LOVE* Joni Mitchell smilesmile Grew up listening to mums folk music, joni being the main, she kicks mega ass. Id love to be able to sing like her! shes such a good artist to put on, puts you in such a nice mood.
Love bob's work, true genius

your girl after my own black heart haha.

Nuckinya biggrin
aloha boys and girls... a long weekend of raging, woohoo! saw alex paterson of the orb, and watched human traffic last night while recovering. that movie is fucking funny. it covers all the cliches and reminded me of being 17 again. ah, yes...

time to go work on my painting and some miscellaneous projects i have been blowing off all weekend.
Pay no attention to Barcos, he may not know who Alex Patterson is but he certainly knows who the orb are. Anyways, nice headphones, they're almost as big as mine. biggrin Oh, so....let's see the risque picture then.
ullooo... glad you had a cool weekend. mine was alright, wasnt nearly as productive as i should have been as i spent most of my free time drinkin and smokin like a bad bad man.

went out to see some bands tho so that was cool. and visited my grandparents for afternoon tea which is always good too.

so if yr into the 60's psych thing, do you like a bit of the Mothers of Invention? its classic stuff.
I like a lot of stuff from that era too. If you havent already seen it a recommend checking out the Monterey Pop Festival movie/documentary.

What Dead album would you recommend. I've always been interested in checking them out but their catalogue is so huge I have no idea where to start. Bob Dylan always raved about how much he liked them too.

I dont know any bands that are looking for a triangle player, but I would definately jam with one. Actually, i will jam with anything. Like you know, you can jam with anything that makes noise... the more the merrier.

Looking forward to the finals of that MC competition when it comes over hear, i'll keep an ear out for it.

forgot to mention a fun part about last night... flashing tits on brunswick st! haha. in fact i have photos, but my friend would have a heart attack if i put them online. real life is one thing, the net is another...

also, i uploaded a new photo today. taken by my friend whose girlfriend was the other one flashing people last night. this one...
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Hey, I had a dream that I was chatting on the phone with you. It was kinda weird. Hope you have a good weekend!
I dont remember what we were talking about, its kinda hazy now. Sometimes I remember dreams forever, but many just slip away. Its really odd dreaming about people you have never seen in the flesh. I have been having crazy dreams as of late. I think its because ive been drinking alot these days.
ah so the pain from the piercings is fading... this is good.

went out last night to watch the semi-finals of this aussie MC competition. it was OK... i think the guys were so nervous they just got all aggro on eachother and didn't let their best talents shine.... the winner gets to fly to NZ for the finals so i guess that's worth gettin...
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here here!

poo bout your wallet hon frown

I've never lost my wallet *touch wood* I've been very blessed.. its come back to me soo many times after leaving it on the bus and so forth. ... and being a drugged out mong..
i love your back tattoo... i used to do doodle drawings like that a while ago.

anyway its really cool. are you going to add to it?
guess what i got today? three piercings you can't see with a bikini on... i'll let you figure it out...

the downside? no sex for 3 weeks... and yes, that inlcudes oral.
Three weeks? Is that what they said at the place you got pierced? Because after I got my lip pierced they said no kissing/oral anything for three MONTHS.
i can only remember the very last bit of my dream from last night, but it was very strange:

i am on this shoreline running up and down the coast, and i am in the form of a younger child. i am looking for something, or rather evidence of something. (i have forgotten what) and there is a sandbar right where the tide reaches the...
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I wanna go fishing! Oh I miss Australia so much.
Things I miss about Melbourne
St Kilda
That Gay bar in St Kilda (cant remember the name)
The Sailyards Skatepark, but I think it moved
The Queen Victoria Market (um not sure about that name)
Smokin the Billy.
Apple/Black Currant Juice, for some reason, australia is the only place ive ever seen it, and its soo yummy.
Oh yeah the Prince of Wales! Almost forgot, I love that place so much.
And all the beautiful girls just like you.
Hi fellow Aussie veggie, it's always nice to meet new Aussie SG talent, especially girls that like dancing around the house in their undies, because I like to watch haha.* i'm just a naughty boy voyer at heart*
Seriously though great to have you aboard and if you add me as afriend I will stay in touch.
Anyway I had better get back to work, I'm just a bitch to the machine.

Nuckinya biggrin

hands up kitty haha

[Edited on Apr 06, 2004 11:47PM]
"Absence diminishes minor passions and inflames great ones, as the wind douses a candles and fans a fire."

- Francois duc de la Rouchefoucald

"L'absence diminue les mediocres passions, et augmente les grandes, comme le vent etient les bougies, et allume le feu."

(i dont speak french but i feel the urge to put the original out there for those who do. i always prefer...
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I do have a bias towards good, but if you tell anyone I said that I will deny it up and down.

I considered having one brother work out the left side of this body, whilst the other did the right. Apparently, the damn spine in all its infinite wisdom compensates for such diabolical schemes and distributes muscle evenly.

That tattoo of yours is damn near flawless. Well done.
I love dreams, I really need to develop my skills at interpriting them. Because they have been getting way more intense and vivid lately, with strong symbolic content. I really need to start writing them down like I used to. Your dream sounds like an interesting one, especially the whales in various states of decomposition remaining beautiful, somehow I almost remember having a similar dream, but Im not sure.
Oh, and thats about the coolest fantasy I have seen for a long while. Most cant get farther that fucking famous people. Hehe.