you know, the name of this website really sucks. suicide is not sexy. it's not funny. and young beautiful girls committing suicide is just about the most fuct up thing around.

what would you tihnk if your little sister committed suicide? could you consciously log into this site ever again?

maybe just long enough to write a message like this.

here's a big FUCK YOU...
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no dont leave i just found you???you seem really cool and ive always wonderd about australia.always wanted to go there. frown eeek biggrin
You may not read this, but I have attempted suicide, and I ache for the loss.

Sometimes the exquisite ache is too much, all the beauty in the world and where is my lost home. Where is the place I have left? And what is this place I been thrown into?

In exasperation I have changed my view. I will share just because. We are born into a state of mortality. You could say we are born to die. But it is in the living that creates the reason, and to embrace the experience in its fullest. Thus ironically, Suicide Girls throw themselves into life, savage; as you dissolve all sense of the self. Nothing, no filter or social convention separates you from directly experiencing all the passion of life. This is the way to the real. And we love you for it. As stalking the wild pendulum, all things go out and then come in. Returning to the inside may not be what you want right now, but your being (or whatever) will force you back inward, until finally the return to source propels you to swing out. Sometimes it all becomes too much, use down time and let your imagination play, and you will dream with new enthusiasm for a new day. Share the joys of life, the precious little things, and say never again. Trying to connect. Take care.
Whassup Z.

I hope you had a nice weekend. Mine was great, some nice parties went down this weekend here in the MTL. I love this city, almost as much as I love Melbourne. But MTL has the added bonus of people speaking french, and its just so sexy. But this week at work will be nuts, with mothers day coming up, I will be up to my eye balls in floral arrangements. Wish me luck!
Hehe, whered you go?
i should be packing to move tomorrow, but instead i'm posting comments all over this site and droolin over hot pictures of that new girl James.... damn she is smoldering. i'm too lazy to make a link but she's the one connected to the sexy breasts at the bottom of this page. and that is a really, really, perfect set of breasts. but i'm rambling...
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I was a medic with Six Field Ambulance during the first gulf war and although I did not see active duty I did see the results of war first hand so yes I am a patriot but for the common man, the proletariat not the state. it is always the average Joe that is sent of to fight the battles and they do so without complaint, that is the reason that I go to the dawn service, to remember the young man and yes women that had their lives squandered for someone elses politics. War sucks yes but never-the-less it is part of the nature of man to go to war as a means of sorting out our differences and if we havent sorted that out after 4000 years of human civilization than I don't think it will happen any time soon.

I hope you like the gluten stakes; let me know when you have tried them as they can be hard to get right at first.

good point z hadn't seen it that way before, but your right our leaders have become a little disenfrachised from the hurt end of war, a return to good ole days then is called for and lets see how much killing takes place then if its theirs that are on the front line.
just to play devils advocate though, Prince Andrew of the British royal family did take an active part in the Falklands war. He flew a number of sorties in a Harrier Jump Jet and apprently got right in the thick of it. But hey I spose we have the exception/rule thing going on here.


[Edited on Apr 25, 2004 11:19PM]
i have been working too much to write a journal right now. nothing new happening in my life except www.ZoeticArt.com - my baby project. check it out if you like visionary art and ya got a spare minute.

ps - if you happen to *be* a visionary artist, you should definitely check out the site because we're currently accpeting submissions to the gallery. and i'd...
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Awesome! it'll probably be a little while. I dont know if you've heard of strange attractors but theyre fractal in nature. I've just made a few plots of some chaotic functions and I'm building up some computer code from there. So far it's not anything close to art but i'll show you. It's kinda interestingsmile
I don't know about me being an artist let alone a visionary artist, but I can help you out with my gluten stake recipe.

Gluten Flower x 1.5 cups
Rolled Oats x 1.5 cups
1 packet of french onion soup mix
2 eggs
1 tablespoon of either vegemite, promite or marmite
one cup cold water
one cup of hot water
salt and pepper
2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
A large cheese cloth and the biggest pot you have must hold at least six liters.
combine all dry ingredients into a larg bowl (feel free to add your favorite flavours eg herbs curry ect)
mix together then add eggs (can be left out if you are a vegan I am an ovo-lacto vege)
now add olive oil and cold water and mix.
add the tablespoon of vegemite or promite (I prefere promite as it has a sweeter taste) to the cup of hot water and disolve while stirring.
Now add the hot broth to the mix and combine, the texture should be a dough that when squeesed is wet, yet still hold together.
Now fill the large pot up to half with hot water and add some maggie beef stock cubes a sliced onion and other herbs for flavour and bring to the boil.
Now place your gluten dough mix into the centre of your cheese cloth tie a knot in the top and place into the pot that is now on the boil making sure the broth covers the gluten dough ball. bring back to the boil and cover and simmer for an hour.
when you remove the gluten from the pot and uncover you should have a nice round brown tight wet loaf. Place onto a cutting board leave to cool and then slice into steaks and marinate in a mixture of soy, crushed garlic and beaten egg then dip in bread crumbs and fry in hot olive oil quickly on both sides till crumbs are golden. Serve as you would a steak with gravy and veges yum. You can use the base loaf for many things such as cut into strips for stirfries or slice for burgers in fact use it where ever you would use beef.
Good luck and let me know how it goes.

ok if anyone here is into trading live music bootlegs, especially if you're in australia, i finally got my list posted online: db.etree.org/zariat

...especially if you're in australia, triple gold stars for melbourne.

i've been busy with music lately so thats why i havent been on here so much. also i'm moving out of my house which is another time-sucker.

microcosmos was a fucking great film! tongue
Honey, I DEVOUR classic sci-fi. biggrin
ripping your entire CD collection MP3 takes a long time. now i remember why i like vinyl so much. except that it's a real pain to take your vinyl on the train and listen to it. so back to square one, ripping CDs to MP3. ah yes, hours of enjoyment. not to mention looking up setlists for all the live show bootlegs i have.

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nope, do you listen to the justus league? cuz you should.
oh tell me about it....well i don't know about mp3 but my lil bro lent me his mini disc player and i was putting my cd's onto the mini discs....oh man its a pain in the ass and to be honest i got lazy and kinda gave up and resorted back to my good old disc man hehe ah well! it will be worth it in the end though...

no haven't listened to it, what kinda music is it? i like most music...hehehe my CD collection ranges from smashing pumpkins to folk music (from just about any country but south american would have to be one of my faves) to musicals like Les Mis and even Rocky Horror Picture Show hehe yes I know I'm weird! Can't help it hehe I was born this way hehe.

anyway i'll stop rambling...you'll have to let me know how you like the Art Gallery...i'd have to say its one of my favourite places to go in my lunch break at work! smile

ciao for now,

KPK xoxox kiss
i think i am a big fucking hippie sometimes. i just love eating at vegetarian restaurants every day. i've almost been to every one in melbourne, and that's a lot. there's a really good chinese restaurant that serves all this fake meat that is SOOOO good. i need to learn how to cook it. for now i am stuck with freezer boxes of fake chiken...
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I remember some joint in St Kilda that had pumpkin curry. I loved that place so much. Yum yum, pumkin curry.
Vegetable rights and peace, man...
so what about polyamory... the idea of loving more than one person at the same time... i've always known it was possible, ever since my earliest relationships. i just thought it was weird or even really unusual not to just want to be with one person. to not feel crazy jealous when the one you were with wanted to be with someone else.

so a...
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hey coolio... how was yr weekend? hope yr feeling better with yr froggy throat. my weekend was shite. i dont really wanna talk about it tho'. my life needs a lot of sorting out right now. frown

anyway on the question of your journal... well i have never been lucky enough to be in love, and havent really had a girlfriend in years so i guess im a little unqualified to answer. but it is certainly something i've thought about. i've got a feeling that im very much a 'one woman man' in that if i had someone i really loved then they would be all i needed. but in saying that i have a fear that if i was in that situation, what would i be missing out on if other opportunities arose? would i get bored of my girlfriend and look for excitement elsewhere? i guess i wont know the answer to those questions until the time comes. but i would see myself as being a jealous type, and would probably go mental if my girl was with another guy (tho for some reason i have less of a worry if she was with another girl - i guess mainly cause i feel that most guys are assholes and most girls are gentle).
Poly is scary. But im my experience, love isnt fun unless its scary. Poly can be amazing, but its a difficult thing do do sucessfully. But its all about communication. And inmy opinion, poly goes farther than just primary and secondary lovers and similar such rhetoric and practice. For me, Poly is the understsanding of love and sex as universal and all encompassing. Meaning that to love one person is to love yourself and all people, thus making love and sex a lifestyle choice to be shared among many people. For love is not an absolute, neither are relationships, neither is your heart and like wise with sex . All things are subject to the ebb and flow of change of emotion, lust, trust and circumstance. For me, I tend not to commit to relationships based in mono sexuality. If someone wants me to go mono with them, I usually try to slow things down and just remain friends instead of lovers. For friendship is stronger and ever evolving, and usually less trouble than sexual relations based in a mono context. And I would rather have lots of friends that I love, than ex lovers who I hate.
last night i went to see DJ RJD2... try sayin that 3 times fast. anyways it was lots of fun, i got fairly trashed and ended up speaking spanish with a cute south american guy. nobody in this country really speaks spanish so we were mutually suprised to find that eachother did and it was the basis for a good conversation! he told me i...
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Ive heard that electronic music is very popular over there where u live, is that true?
Your comments in my journal were just lovely ... I really enjoy reading abt my fellow SG's and members. You seem like a great girl, so I hope to see more of you around the site! smile
I really want to touch on some of the great points many of you brought up, so if you want ... come back and let us hear what you've got to say! wink
Sounds like quite the fun time. Though the froggy throat doesn't seem a fair payment. Hope you feel better.

Yes, the Nields are still around. They just released a new album that coincides with a book one of the sisters wrote (I've never bothered to learn which was which). But I still maintain that "Best Black Dress" should've been a hit. A fun kooky song like that.
last night had a double-decker party at a little place with a raging jazz band on the first floor, and my friend spinning reggae and dancehall upstairs. i dont even like reggae or dancehall and i had a fuckin good time!

currently feeding my ebay addiction for classic vinyl bootlegs... trying to find all that obscure live stuff and not pay too much. currently finding...
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have fun. And bring us back some images if you can wink
i did a ski trip to japan. niseko, hokkaido, flew in via sapporo. did some day tripping around the resort and some city living in sapporo. of course we skied - a lot - and my dominant memory is powder sking at night beside the main runs with no-one about. talk about peace - and energy combined. every night we drank in the 'fish bar'. it was more a rustic cabin with a giant fireplace in the middle. every night we drank beer and ate bbq fish. i loved it there but the language barrier was a bit of a problem , especially when trying to chat up the girls! shocked

ahh - how could i forget the 'onsen', volcanic baths, under the stars, snow all about. so romantic.

[Edited on Apr 17, 2004 9:10PM]