my my it has been awhile , got back on because of the new quinne set, alot has happened, i'm almost done with college i've got one quarter to go, i've cut ties with my ex and i've 2,000 for when i leave this place, cannot wait, well its gonna be awhile before i come back on i think so take care all
Netunesa this chick ive been watching on you tube is on here i guess named Arisu, very cute, my new wallpaper for awhile i think
short film coming out soon, ill see if i can post a link to it here when its finished
People are deleting me, i wonder what i said wrong, or what they expected of me...
Dyed my hair black n auburn, though you can only see the red in the right light. not much else to say, full week since i left my so called lover and i stll havent got laid or anything, i've been working out everyday, walking as much as i can, eating right, getting good sleep, ive tried improving whatever kinks ive got socially so why...
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Ladies and Gentlemen i am alone again, free from drama, free from answering to anyone, and it feels so damn good. i wonder what a guy has to do to get noticed on a site like this, do i have to get naked and take pictures/make sets or what? lol but seriously im out about and lookin for a good time so ladies hit me...
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Signing out for a little while boys n girls, email me when Quinne suicide gets some new pics up, Xesavu@yahoo.com, email me for number as well, very very bored lately
heres a good lesson i learned today, do not have black people as freinds associates or anything, despite what persona they give you theyll turn on you quicker than you can whip out your gun, so be careful. also trying to freind people ive let down in the past has been difficult, trying to redeem my stupid ass sometimes is just about impossible. still no...
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what to say, re established myself, growing hair out, slimming down, getting ready to leave this shithole for good and into another one. unfortunately starving the body has unfortunate consequences, such as not being able to hold down food, running out of breath easily and getting nasty fevers or throwing up in the mornings, like i was pregnant or something. Finally discovered this stuff called...
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things are going better for me lately, managed to retain quite a bit of money, and i really enjoy the classes i have right now at lake washington, on the downside Kayla may have some sort of cancer on her overies, she tells me to call her now insteadd of her calling me so when i do she seems to be constantly in pain, if...
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