I've not been posting enough, at least in my opinion

It turns out that Arrival is a great movie, and Life is basically the worst movie ever.

Also, let's talk about mental illness. This video is a bit much in places, but I'm down with the sentiment.


So, band of the day. Also hanging out with _two_ ex-girlfriends today, so ... that's a personal record.


I managed to miss that these guys released a new album this year


I have a few new followers, seemingly at random, and I like Chicago punk bands. Here you go.


Reminds me of a relationship that ended more than a decade ago, which was best for everyone involved.


Patterson Hood writes some of my favorite songs with evil/sad lyrics.


Sometimes I feel bad about Harmacy being my favorite Sebadoh album. Then I get over it.


Sometimes I feel bad about Harmacy being my favorite Sebadoh album. Then I get over it.