Is this the begining of the end? I can only hope so. because if it is, I think the carnage will be incredible, the wiskey will flow like water and girls will all think I am harmless.
But me and my jackass ideas.
I finally turned my roomate into an openly hostile person. I knew she had it in her. Apparently we were supposed to...
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Later into the night it seems to go. The rain is pounding, but it can not get in, at least for now. Fuck the holidays, fuck the new year. I already forgot the past, So, how can it get any worse, is it that we are just a small animal collective, waiting. Drivers on the long road to nowhere, yet still have managed to get...
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Apparently it is my dark side that appeals to those silly evil girlse. Can I really be that evil? Isn't it just a concep? Self defeating, I guess that is what it is and how it will be. Actions, response. It all goes as a forward motion. LIfe or something like that. I am not sure what is really better, To be what you are...
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Green, But all I see is red, or is it pink. The quickest death to another day, well that never comes fast enough. I write and I move, a slovenly asshole who just got a hair cut.. Wrecklessly the mad man who conitnues to drive without any regard for law, insurance, sobriety and all that other meaningless stuff others so dutifully allow.
Not me, I...
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god you make mylife look so normal. glad to see cali is looking alittle better! all is well in the north, when do you fly in?
Maybe I could write, and the worlds would not come out all wrong. I went to this bar, it was womens night and they ripped my fucking head off. Or was that just me and all my imaginary friends. We had such ggod plans for the weekend. that never happened.
Drink, after all it is raining outside. Nobody seems to be after me, except my...
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What up slut? Fuckin' nintendo called yesterday, they finally are gonna give me a job I guess. So it's viva seattle for a bit longer, hope it finally pans out!!! Another twist in the daily life of I, just when I think I've figuredout wtf, and another fuct curve comes along. Well i guess thats the part of life they forgot to tell us when they were teaching us to tie our shoes and count to 10. why didn't they say, when you think all is well, watch the fuck out cause it's about to change drastically. Those fucks... Well stay dry and stay drunk! Watchout for stalkers!!hehe
I guess it is not what I needed.
Apparently someone else seems to know what I need more then I do.
I do not believe that things like this are so easy. Sort of like the girl I just met, she is not really an object, more like an animal, something that breathes but isn't real. Well not quite, just a drunker then you are...
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Hey scumbag, another crazy day in the mind of samuel woodbury I see. Glad to see you haven't completely blown your lid. Or well atleast you can still act like yyour still sanish. You write some cool shit, it's weird seems a good amount of my thoghs comeout of your mouth. Must of been all the water back home, or all that shit beer(OLYMPIA) we drank at school. I'm not to sure what I'm doing as far as my life is concerned. I really want to finish school and get my life started, but what the fuck is the fun in that? And this whole hookin' back up w/ lori also blows my mind. I was so ready to leave and then in like 2 weeks everything changed again. What the fuck?? I've even trying not to get absolutly smashed everytime I go to the bar. Weird pains and thoghts streaming through me, I wish I could just figure that myself out first puke
Drink more, fuck more, live more, right? There seem to be no winners in this game tonight. It just a small battle where no one fights fair. If drinking was to make me survive I think I would do just fine. But regardless, another smokey weekend, same old shit that never ends. I am begging to become repulsed by the ones that surround me, except...
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And so I attempted to play music with a cellist tonight. How strange it must be to be so trained to do exatly what you are told to do. But the root is there, that desire to create, but how do I exploit that. I suggested drugs and she just look at me. But Am I so wrong I think not, Freedom from laws, hell...
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A walk in the gardengrowth, life crushing underneath my feet, to feel the mosture so close, so personal, what a sham.
I seem to be surving by the all too special powers of caffine and alcohol, and yet would I want or ever expect anything less.
The ungoing saga that could be my life.
but instead The clouds shroud me and my movement through life....
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It is like a count down to extinction. The death dealer comes around once a again. It seems That he has missed me once again, but I want to feel the pain. If the last moment of life is the longest, Why can't I live forever.
A count down to extiction, but it never seems to come, at least not for me. A bottle has...
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