I'm leaving for basic training in eight days, provided I can drop another 6lbs. If not.. well I'm not sure if they'll take me or not. Friends of mine who have been in the service are telling me that it won't really matter, while my recruiter is telling me I'll be permenantely disqualified from the Air Force. I've lost a lot of weight and really,...
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It will be sometime soon. I'll let you know.
I'm back, at least until I head off for basic training in Feb. Not sure why I'm back, was drunk and seemed like the thing to do.
Wow... I always thought it would be my dad coming to bail me out of jail.. not the other way around.
alas, i have these morals which deny me the possibilities of using some lonely rich guy. plus you know, there's that creep factor which i'd have to deal with for just over two years. sham marriages are swell if you're totally trusting of said person, but goodness, staying with some rich lonely guy is grounds for a) awkwardness and abuse and b) a sitcom.

either way, i will just say that a miracle has indeed happened. or rather, is about to.
yeah, damn those morals. always getting in the way of the fun.

but thanks for the wishing of good luck. i'm sure scop appreciates it.
I got with my ex-girlfriend's little sister.. in the middle of a bunch of passed out drunk kids. deckwreck was feigning sleep not 5 feet away during. I'm soooo the man. Every girl I sleep with.. ends up being very violent.. I have a bite mark on my chest so bad it looks like I have a fucking third nipple. Oh well.. the price we...
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Wow.. two 21st birthdays in a weekend.. is rough. Went to Lori and Lisa's (twins) on saturday night.. made a complete ass of myself. I don't need to drink liquor anymore. I'm out of practice with it.. for which I blame deckwreck for turning me into a beer drinker. Well.. I got profoundly sick after funnelling beer (from a beer bong that required someone on...
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Uh, what bitch am I supposed to get rid of? And the cassette's fine; it was just my tattoo owning paranoia talking. But I do have no skin on my right elbow.
Pissing on other people's shit is funny until you're about 24, then they start getting bitchy about it. Don't you work in perimeter mall? Strange the things I remember...
In less than 12 hours.. I'll be at NIN.. where will you be? I win.
I'll be at Mastodon, not being a bitch.
True. But the difference is that bonking someone over the head with a frying pan (excepting Andrew, but he was a Marine so he can take it) is a little less harsh than caving in someone's skull with a tire iron because you were both fucked up, and then going to jail for two years.
Last night I got drunk and pissed of friends of friends.. which my friends thought was hilarious. The problem is.. well.. I get drunk.. and I forget girl's names. I'm a very shy person.. and don't want to ask again (yeah.. thats it). So I just refer to them as A) bitch B) cunt C) shit bitch cunt whore. Now normally.. I'm very respectful towards...
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Well.. I lost the case race. :pout: I won our round.. which was the first one.. by like 5 beers. The problem was, Jer and I had no competition.. and we were in the first round so we had no previous time to use and pace ourselves. I brownedout somewhere in the secord round.. and the only thing I really remember is getting laid in...
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Hrm.. I think if my body could talk, it would call me a hypocrit for taking vitamins with beer. I think if this bear could talk, it would complain of hemroids.

Prime now:
Prime count:
Prime density:
Oh.. my.. god. My kitchen.. is covered in chocolate cake right now. My roomate and I were hammered last night. I'm not absolutely sure who struck the first blow (thought I'm pretty sure it was her).. but this chocolate fudge cake that I had.. well yeah.. its smeared all over my kitchen now. She smacked me with a peice of it, then it was on...
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Next Wednesday night. Steve turns 21. It is officially on.