So I did some editing...remember I am not that great at it...perhaps that's why this set got rejected...oh well.

Go check out the newest, Stripes!
Hi, beautyful set.
Sorry its been a while. I've been quite busy with school and work. I had a set all edited and ready to go, except the laptop it was on got stolen...sons of bitches...

So now waiting once again for editing...

I've found the man of my dreams, and he happens to also be my best friend. I don't think I could possibly be happier than...
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Good luck with your set ....I love black and white!! kiss kiss kiss
I have a new apartment! Its a lovely top floor of an old row house. Standing all by itself on the corner, with an empty lot next to it. Two bedroom. Larger than any two bedroom I've shared to date. I'm rather delighted. Now all I need is furniture. :-p

Saw the Harry Potter movie last night. mmmm delicious. but sad. I can't wait till...
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i'm a fan too... cant wait for the new movie to hit HD-DVD so i can sit back in my recliner and watch it with 0 interuptions biggrin

congrats on the new place i wish you the best there wink
Well the movie went well. I got to play a talk show host, and a wife.

The photo shoot went phenomenally well! I am the most excited about it....and I really can't wait to show ya'll!

The fetish night was interesting. Having never been to one, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. I dressed to the nines as a lolita goth. We put my...
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good luck wink
good luck! those are two pretty big things to do at once.
Photo shoot today! Woot! I'm excited!

I also get to be in a movie this morning!

And tonight, is Fetische, the fetish night/ concert/ drag show/ with vendors. It will be a first for me. I'm rather curious!
That sounds potentially fun and interesting. Enjoy! smile
How did the shoot go? Can't wait to see the new photos!
So Independence day was the best one I've ever had! We bounced around town getting last minute items for Dictator Night. Then we went out to Dogwood Dell for live music (brass band), cannons and fireworks! Afterwards, we dressed as best we could to appease our dictators. Brandon went as Octavian, and I as Cleopatra. We won books, he got a really nice version of...
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So, life in the single lane...

Not too crazy. In fact, I've been rather contented. Monday night was a lil crazy, but fun.

After that, we're all going to the park for fireworks and cannons and suchings. Then dress as your favorite dictator night at the club. We're cooky and its all good.

Tomorrow my gal friend and I travel to NOVA to visit my...
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Not Nova Scotia. hehe. Northern Virginia.

I dressed as Cleopatra.
This being happy thing- I dont know about you, but strange for me..who knows why...- glad you are having a good time!!!
So today is a new day, and there will be yet another photoshoot. As soon as I get the last one edited, I will be submitting it. And as soon as this one is shot and edited, it will be posted as well. For all ya'll's viewing pleasures.

A hint on the last one, I was abandoned, and brought to life.

Today's shoot is an...
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If ya'll are willing, please help me out and vote for my set, Cut Up !

It was shot by the wonderful PCPhotography !

I need all the help I can get from fans, to become a full fledged suicide girl, instead of just a hopeful smile
Thank you! smile
I like the set. biggrin

It kind of reminds me of Aleda: Cut Away.
New job in the works! Picked up applications today.

I get to be a full time student again! Woot!!!! Which means I'll finally finish within a year or so, instead of two years.
I can't wait. I love my daddy, he offered to pay for my rent and bills to make this happen smile

I think I'll revoke my idea of not going out tonight...instead I'll...
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Hahahahahaha I am far from being a daddy's girl. This is the first year in my life we've gotten along. I think he's trying to make up for the past.
now thats great news smile congrats

have fun wink
The all night grad party was DULL.... A friend of mine from way back stopped by and brought my coffee. Luckily they really didn't need me, so we got to actually hang out for a good couple of hours, outside of the "party".

So the gimmic of this evening was that if you left before it ended, the chaperones had to call your parents to...
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The chaperone bit is tough. I had to do it with some 5th grade students last week.
Enjoy your movies. smile
i bet it was fun to watch your door guard mom biggrin

have fun at the movies and i'm not sure where you find scrap leather but if i come up with anything i'll let you know wink