Going to go get my massage licence today! No more shit retail jobs! No more begging the folks for rent money! No more Safeway brand food!!!!!

Whoo. The things 15 more dollars an hour will do for your out look on life. biggrin
Thank you!!!
Hope you have a great day
i'm not a big "out on the town" kind of person, so when someone drags me out then ditches me, it makes me want to stay in all the more.
chin up smile
I'm 21 now. Last night was the first night since my birthday i didn't drink.
Wow, it's amazing how fast you can become an alchoholic. I caught my self the other day drinking a glass of brandy at 11:30 in the morning because i didn't want my buzz from my breakfast guiness to ware off before class. A couple of bartenders recognize me now too...
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i'm not a big "out on the town" kind of person, so when someone drags me out then ditches me, it makes me want to stay in all the more.
I seem to be afraid more often. How i'm doing in school, what the bosses think of me at work, what my co-workers think of me, how my car is running, whatever's wrong with my mother, my plants, money, time, my art, girls, it's just all driving me in to panic.
I'd take a vacation if i had the money, time, working car, and someone...
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5 majors, 4 colleges, 3 cities, 2 states, all for one degree.

Boy, it sounds easier in highschool, doesn't it?
everything seemed easier in highschool
strange occurences.. must investigate.. surreal
My best friend and his girlfriend came down to visit from stockton this weekend. that was great, i worked all day and we went to longbeach so they could try to set me up with her bestfriend. That wasn't doing so we came back and played drinking games to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
I came to a slow realization this morning as i woke...
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Update: Job at a record store biggrin , no more crazy girlfriend biggrin , friends back in the states and visiting soon biggrin , classes started whatever, get paid this week biggrin ,
things are looking up, i suppose patients pays off eventually.
Very cool! It's always good to start a clean slate. What time is closing time for Saturday night?
frown can you switch shifts? hehe
No job, girlfriends crazy, school doesn't start untill mid august, and all my friends are out of the country.
She went crazy in like a month?