Ya know I'm simply amazed about two things everytime I come back to this site..
1: The fact my profile is still HERE. considering I drag my ass off the RvB site and my Xbox maybe once every 3 months or so, I would think they would have kicked me off for inactivity Long ago.. o.O
2: The fact that I'm ALLWAYS Logged in.. I...
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my dreams scare me some times.... frown
mmk so this morning my nose was kinda itchy and I really didnt care to go diggin around up there so I jus kinda ignored it.. well about ten minutes later I sneezed so hard I ruptured a vein up there and it wouldnt stop bleedin for like 2 hours.
That was Fun!! Not.. skull
bleh... its like 9:30 in the morning and I have to go to work.. thankfully I only work till 3pm today. Woohoo!!
But yeah some one should come visit me and keep me company. smile
hahahaha ok so guess what I did for turkey day this year...


well atleast nothing family related.. whicdh was actually pretty darn kool cause every damned year we do something for T-day it usaully involves going to my sisters and listening to my mom and grandma argue about crap my grandma thinks she seee's and my mom spending half an hour at a time...
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Thanks. I think I'll live with a cardboard window for awhile.
Hahaa... maybe not kill.. but i'd like to harm the poeple who made it wink xxx
I seriously need to bookmark this page or somthin cuz I Keep Forgetting I have it! ARG!! Yeah so uhh anyhoo...
I got my own domain thingy.. again.. www.tarantules.com/venom
I'm still tinkering around with a few things on it.. so not everything works. Most of it does though!! So yeah.. go check it out, and Sign up at my forum.. and dink around...
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well I'm kinda bored so I figured I should update this little thingy before people start wondering if I'm dead.. tongue
theres a little blonde girl thats been following me around town or somthin.. I first saw her a few weeks ago trialing me after I stoped by a gas station to get som munchies and stuff. she trailed me for a good 3 blocks and...
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maybe she a ghost? or maybe your hallucinating you schitzophrenic!!!or maybe she is waiting for oyu to make the move...
Ok a number of people have commented that my last blog thingy was kinda lame.. and yeah I can understand that, so KI apologize for making such a dumbass post. Unfortunetly I cant find a delete button on the blog thingy.. well there is one but everytime I click it, it only delets the comments. Not fair. frown
But anyways.. I am Really sorry about that...
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damn boy. shocked
Boooored.... And horny as hell right now, so decided to mention something. Came up with a list of people on thise site that I officially want to fuck the hell out of! biggrin
Not in any particular order except the ones with the !! after thier name are ones I REALLY wanna get in bed with. >: )

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Ok so theres this new girl at work thats REALLY cute and has a pretty nice bod (think pam anderson with slightly smaller boobs), and I'm bagging stuff at her register and talking to her and she spots this old car in the parking lot. Niether of us can identify what make/ model it is, so once I have time I go out there and...
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awww smile how cute puke
Yup... too bad I found out she has a bf.. :*(