so i finally sent away my saas forms, they have been sitting in my room for months but as usual i fill things in right before the deadline, anyhoo done and dusted.

it just occured to me that it has been weeks since ive been drunk and im totally missing it frown

a good friend of mine has just found out shes pregnant, she doesnt now...
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'Ello Bunnie, thanks for the postie. Much appreciated, plus it's positively sensational to know that someone actually looked at my lil profile. I find it exhilarating to know that you found part of it amusing. Please don't hesitate to drop by again. BTW, I find it humorous that out of all the questions asked to create a profile, "Favorite Color" isn't one of them. What is your fav color?

well its certainly been a while since i've been here.

im glad to say that my friend who was pregnant now has a gorgeous little boy, she named him keir, his dad tho is a total asshole cos he wants nothing to do with her or the baby but hey its his loss not hers.

i was accepted to uni and i start in september,...
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how could i forget, i redecorated my room over the weekend and it is now a pink/lilac colour, my room is so much more calming and feminine now.

also someone (i dont know who) has stolen part of the wheel from my car, im so furiousmad and by the looks of things i cant get a replacement because they dont make them anymore so i...
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that sucks.... bad karma to who ever stole your wheel... ARRR!!!
so not much has happened to me since i was last here, i did however go buy a jacket that i dont need but hey it was super cute cos it is purple and i just had to have it hehe.

yesterday when i was shopping i saw a girl who i went to high school with, we were really good friends until one day...
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