whatever confused mad
i have a fucking awesome trip to Seattle/Portlant this weekend
ask for details. smile
I love Seattle and Portland.
sorry folks as of midnight friday(friday night saturday morning) i am done here on SG. its been fun and i wish you all the best in the future. to becontinued on www.myspace.com/piratekingbill for those who wish to continue.

good-bye frown ARRR!!!
so you're back but you didnt update your blog before you left?!! shame shame... tongue oh ya, and there's only 1 g in groping wink Dont you love when I nag?!! tongue tongue C U when you're back frum your tripping biggrin
I need a new brain, the one i have don't want to work anymore. The warranty is about to expire and i think it time to trade it in. whatever
frown mad eeek blackeyed confused whatever
Well this Saturday sucked big time compared to last. The music sucked and my friend, that showed up, treated me like i have ebola or some contagious disease. mad
If this keeps up Silvers dreams of becoming a hermit will become my reality frown
I prolly missed you by minuets... actually , I asked a couple ppl if you were there when I arived, and was told yes 'over there' but didnt see you, cuz it wasa bit before 1.. you prolly snuck out while I was talking to someone frown yay wharehouse... surreal
ya... that seems to be the way life works, all paradoxic like....
I hate feeling so alone. I wish i was more intellecual, so i could carry a decent conversation instead of just sitting there and listen. The day they offer brain transplant i will be the first fucking person in line. If it wasnt for the pain of losing me for my family and friends i would have jumped of a cliff long ago.
blah blah blah blab blah............... i just want to roll up in a corner and fucking die.
me too.... frown
thanks sweetie. kiss MostlyIi just want to be alone, but that never happens... *sigh* Im spose to go to Stag/Stagette party tonight, hence why I may not be at the Warehouse for long, or maybe I'll goto the party first...then come down with Dallas later, but I have to come down and get a stamp at 9 or sumthing...cuz I dont want to pay to get in.. bah I dunno... I'll do whatever I do....
Well i have returned from my road trip to Saskatoon via Edmonton, and man what a fucking awesome weekend it was. The Walker nightclub we went to was great, the music was perfect, i have never danced so much in my life, with the combination of vodka/cokes and the dancing i cared about nothing but dancing and i have never been happier, the only thing...
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Sounds like a rad trip. So what do you do? I'm working Banquets up at the Delta in Kananaskis.
I remember!! That was a fun night (aside from the mind numbing pain). I actually did dislocate it too. The doctor wasn't impressed that I walked on it for so long either.

In an unrelated topic... My roomate and I were pondering something, and were wondering if perhaps you knew the answer. How, as either an 18 year old or as a 21 year old do you successfully hook up with a woman in her mid 30's? We can't figure it out dammit!! tongue