Hello all, recently I have decided to try and peddle my photographic images on ebay. i just thought maybe you might be in the market for some fine art photographic prints which you can hang on your wall.
anyways if you want to browse i have a couple up and they're fairly inexpensive. go check out the links to my auctions on ebay and have...
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Oh wormy

That chick in the second photo looks pissed.

Nice feedback wink (don't feel bad, I'm ebay handicapped too- My Paypal has been frozen for months)
there are naked chicks all over this website and i don't even look at them. i must be queer as fuck or something. who cares. i'm going to go consume something else, love you all. tootles

godzilla is a terrorist. we should all fear him.
I already watched this on your myspace.
No, I'm not a creepy stalker.

We should send in King Kong to help win the war against terror
so yeah, lately things have been really good. post production of our dvd is nearing its' end. the video is fully edited and has turned out better than expected. now all we have to do is put finishing touches on it such as full functioning menus, motion graphics over video, and dvd and cover design. then it's off to mass production. 1000 dvds will run...
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Post your ebay links on here. maybe we'll buy your stuff.
summer, and our friend jerry
let's take some time out and reflect for a moment. today's reflection is all about summer, mainly all the things i've done so far this summer. first off i do have to say that i have not gotten "nature ized" as much as i feel like i should have. there have been a few instances where i've had time in...
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ha well if it was my house i would let u, but its the parents plus the bro is stayen back home and hes not much fun
So, I've been thinking a lot. There are many things on my mind and it concerns myself as well as the rest of you reading this, whether you agree with me or not. I'm a quiet person, I listen and watch other people and the things that go on around me. The first question I ask myself when I wake up is, "Who am I",...
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Where at?
At a hotel!
All summer i probably wrote about the things i did like easton camping, hanging out with steve mink and middle aged white rappers, in order to make a video. the list goes on. whatever. my friend franz recently went back to PA to start editing some of these things for the ADDVD. SO far i like what i see, he's laying the groundwork.
I would...
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Soooo..your dvd is close to being finished?

Did you have the people at the end flick off the camera, or did they do that of their own accord?
my friend Steve Mink is coming over tonight. we're going to drink 40's and be good humans. no racism dude.
i thought i had a pretty decent last entry, am i not cool to you guys, do you just not give a shit? whatever. i'll keep talking from to time. copper, you're my d o double g fo sho. you always got something to say. if you feel guilty for ignoring me leave some comments on my last entry. this one doesn't count. remember i...
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I did enjoy the Juggalo video. It was actually kind of "feel good" because you guys didn't make fun of the ICP guy in a mean way. And he seemed happy about the attention.
Do you like Phil Collins?
yah, i woulda stopped, but i had to get back to work from my lunch break. if there was a clown, i don't think that i could have stopped....i have issued with clowns.

p.s. no, i don't have your #
so i've been really busy lately, no posts in quite some time. i know how you all love me so damn much. anyways so i've been working 6 days a week 3rd shift at abercrombie. then i drink and sleep. then sometimes i work on the production of the ADDVD which you should all love when finished. you had better all get a copy when...
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What I meant by you being "nowhere" was the lack of a current update.
But now I'm proven wrong.

I'll buy your addtv dvda.

Which Abercrombie doya work at?