i'm not posting here anymore. anyone with a credit card number should consider doing the same.
why, what happened?
man the site is slow now.

i spent a couple hours at the hospital here 'n' there lately, so i clipped my fingernails real short smile

i might move.

i'll go home shortly.

my car will turn 170,000 miles this weekend.

i hope my dog is still alive. i would miss him.

my hair rocks.

i smell. i haven't showered in a couple of days. maybe...
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maybe a new hair color will help. lwray's has inspired me. it will clear my head, so to speak.

maybe a new band will help. someday, maybe i can find a whole band again...

maybe i should get a job... or go self-employed... i feel weak just collecting these free checks.

why do people even have these blog things?

hehe oh well. i need...
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i think your blog is pretty great

i'm up for some band

ok but i need to get off this god damned website now
write whatever you want.

me, i hate the thing on this site because all i do is a) whore myself out in photo form for slight praise b) talk about my new earrings/hair color.

my blog thing had more substance when i had my own website. i feel like a porn site is not worthy of great writing.

or really, writing at all.

i spend too much time on the internet.
just got back from philly. nice town y'all got there...
got wicked drunk. i have a puncture wound in my hand from hopping a stupid fence. my shoes are covered in mud from the creek i forged with them on. i ended up on the roof of our days inn, and woke up some poor woman at 3am who, in the phone book, was listed...
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didn't even know you went down there.
i kinda hate this school
a lot

i want to be part of your ridiculous life.
ok so i'm moving somewhere within 3 miles of here.
preferably less than one.
i want to be able to move my stuff to a new apartment by foot.

in addition,
i am buying a harvard square pass, and i intend to play music there, even if it's me and a karaoke machine...

you're invited, of course wink
i am shaking. sick to my stomach.
i don't know what's true anymore.

i love music. it has never lied to me.
it has never hurt me. it has always been there,
whenever i press the piano key, whenever i pluck
the guitar string, whenever i make my vocal chords sing.

latest prescription: more music, less reality.

SOTD: Paranoid Social Club / Theme Song
i love you, you know.
that is true.
woke up at 6 am. can't sleep.

i sometimes call myself a vegetarian, but more accurately, i generally don't eat meat.

had myself a nice half pound burger with cheddar, bacon, and carmelized (read: burnt) onions. so amazingly delicious. also, making me a little sick... ah well... the cow has the final say in this matter i guess...

i need to make more music. i've...
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damn it... why can you only have 5 entries for favorite girls? i have 6 now. damn it... but my god how morgan's set is so hot with that hair...

i wish the cell phone had never been invented sometimes.
i mean i learned how to plan and schedule and be on time just at the cusp of its introduction. now it's here and i've...
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life would blow without chunky peanut butter.

i know what you mean about morgan too love
my car was broken into last night.
the cd player is gone.
so is my change.
happened in nyc too in november...

i tried to make pizza for lunch.
i dropped it on the floor.

lisa hasn't called in a few days.
hope she's having fun.

i'm going back to bed.

oh yeah, ... i really like sarah jane... she is lovely. thanks sj.
are you kidding?! first the manatee cup, and now this... or was it whales?

aren't there cars with REAL stereos they want to steal??

god i'm so sorry babe, about everything frown
canned manatee? is that like tuna fish?

i'd have to make an order of preference though.

1. bleached white
2. blue
3. purple
4. grown out with weird colors all over
<head>Hmmm... what to write...</head>

<blah blah blah>i've got nothing much to say...</blah>

<whine> my girlfriend is in vegas again. i miss her </whine>

<had fun> played in nyc last night. Caroline's boyfriend's stepdad and mom were there and took us out to dinner at a super duper italian place. it made me want to be !vegetarian really badly. </had fun>

<music>i saw a gal...
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NOT on the bits. please please no.