Snow storm just hit. Not so much with the storm, but very much with the snow. Soooo glad I don't have to go into the office until tonight. The roads are a mess, and people forget how to drive in this mess. I would rather just avoid driving with those people. Well, even though I have the time today, I have managed to piss away...
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Been taking a pottery class on sundays. I enjoy working with the clay on the wheel. It is a calming pastime - very organic. The feel of the clay sliding between your hands as you form and shape it - slick, smooth, and wet. It is reminiscent of playing in the mud as a child. It is the first thing I spent money on that...
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Been taking a pottery class on sundays. I enjoy working with the clay on the wheel. It is a calming pastime - very organic. The feel of the clay sliding between your hands as you form and shape it - slick, smooth, and wet. It is reminiscent of playing in the mud as a child. It is the first thing I spent money on that...
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Winter is taking hold of the land. I hate the cold and the dark short days. One of these days I'll write an upbeat post, become an active part of this cool community, make many friends around the world and travel to meet them. Until that occurs...
I miss smoking...
Me too, but not that much. Life's so much better since I quit cancer sticks...
BIT-who? wink

I think you'll agree with me that the worst part is when you're surrounded by smokers and they don't seem to get it. "What??!! You've turned gay or something? What d'you mean you're no longer smoking??"
I quit smoking on tuesday, so life is pretty grim. It fills my thoughts, tears at my soul, rips at my skin. I don't give in to the craving because it is such sweet torture. I don't know if I will quit all together, but for now I shall torture myself by not smoking and save a shitload of money. Hell, the amount I was...
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The last two days have been beautiful! To bad I had to be at work during the best parts of the day. Can't wait for summer. Got off work early tonight smile
The past two weeks have been killer! Lack of sleep, overworked, and I have had a full dance card! Can't complain about the social life, but Damn! Working 10 to 12 hour days does cramp my style! Thus, the lurker lifestyle on Suicidegirls. So many interests, so little time.... ARRR!!!
Busy! Tomorrow is going to be crazy busy! I have shit to do on the weekend, so my partying will have to be subdued. But how can one be subdued on St. Pattie's Day? It should be a friggin holiday! ARRR!!!
THe birthday weekend was very rewarding. Two nights of debauchery, followed by a relaxing evening of social drinking. I love beer! This week is soooo busy with work, but St. Patrick's Day is on friday, and then another going away party on saturday night. I will be sooo ready to party by the time friday roles around! ARRR!!!
Happy late birthday...
Enjoy the weekend. smile