
someone paid for a 3 month subscription for me, whoever you may be Thank You!!!!

it's good to be back. how i've missed SG. <3

i miss all my lovely friends on here.

where have you all gone?

Right here smile
Happy Late Birthday

i went to Hawaii last week, well two weeks ago i think. it was the single best vacation i have ever been on as well as the most beautiful place i've seen.

nick now wants to move there after he gets certified in his field, provided he can find work there. i love this idea even though is doesn't seem at all possible...

now i'm...
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i'm internet neglectful...

trying to gauge my mood over this newly discovered information is not quite as easy as i would have expected it to be. i know it upsets me to know this and i am a little pissed, but at the same moment i just feel kind of empty about it all. maybe because i feel like it won't manifest itself into anything...
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let's weigh out those imperfections; one pound here, three pounds for that one. etcetera, etcetera...

it turns out to be one large mass, lumped together in bits and pieces that somewhat resemble a far off planet or undiscovered bit of land off some Lost-like island. useless but heavy. heaving it about is tiring and also rather useless, but what can one do? perhaps slowly roll...
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*waves hello*
hanging in there, and I wont lie kind of missing you smile

i do believe that more often than not this noggin of mine is my own worst enemy.

a slow and arduous process but i am learning to quiet those thoughts, the fears that make my ears pulsate and head beat which keeps me up late at night and attempting to peer through the dark.

patience my dear, patience. all in due time, yes.

You're very welcome.

Where do you live in Philly? I lived there for 4 years and miss it pretty dearly. frown
Wait, what's the POPE?

I totally lived where you live. Few blocks south of the market, off 6th and Hoffman to be exact (I'm pretty sure it was 6th). There's a total dive pizza/grub shop on the corner over there where the pizza was seriously so amazing. I lived on it.

I miss it so much just thinking about it! I moved about 3 years ago. Totes miss that cheap rent and city vibe. And I confess, yes, I miss South St. tongue

i am wide-eyed and drifting...

i think i let my imagination get to me a little too much. you see, i was jealous of a girl who most likely posed not threat to me whatsoever. at least i was told this a handful of times, did i listen? no. did i trust the truth to come from his lips, of course not. am i an...
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i am curious as to why it is so fucking hard to trust someone completely.

i never took myself as the jaded type. i mean a little, sure, but not full blown i'm all sorts-of-broken kind of jaded. it's frustrating to think i even have an inkling of this in me, under my skin. i see myself in a more rose colored light, a little...
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ick. work.

i just want a day off so i can finally get some sleep.... surreal

sometimes i just need to keep in mind that things are much better then what they have been. it's only a year and so much has changed that it is going to take a little getting use to.

i am a very lucky girl. i really am.