So I remembered to day that i have a SG acount and i thought to myself, "hey self, let's make a journal entry". Life is pretty sweet, I've got a pretty nice apartment now, I'm making pretty good money at work and that is is about to get better by a couple bills a week. I'm plannig my vacation which will be a week long...
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i was wondering when you were gonna look at teh nekkid booblies again on hurr
you are THE MAN!
Man has it been a while since i updated this. Not much new going on, pretty busy with work and being lazy in my off hours. Playin some paintball from time to time. I wrecked my motorcycle, kind of fun, if you consider rolling down the highway at 60 fun. I did tumble to my feet, it probably looked cool. I really have nothing to...
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yes, have more jimbo in it.. though.. I don't know i gotta poop. whatever
i'm still sayin the jimbo thing I'll stick by it
Nothing new to report. Almost finished recording my song, yeah, it's a slow process.

steven is the man
Happy Christmas Homie

I went and played paintball this weekend, i used to play every now and then before i joined the Marines, but that was four plus years ago. Anyway, i purchased a gun and whatnot a few weeks ago and this weekend finally got time to play. Well long story short, i forgot how much energy it takes to play, it kicked my butt for the...
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hey nutsack answer ur phone
scumbag mad
OK, I'm back. I have'nt had my pc hooked up in a few weeks so i figured it was time to do a journal. Nothing interesting to report thought, my brother layed my motorcyle down. Thats about it. Oh yeah, yesterday me and my friend went down to the recording studio and layed down the guitar track to the song we are writing. When it...
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i'll be callin you today yo
Me and my best friend were talking the other day and we have come to realize that there are no girls of our age in Ocala that are at all interesting. We have to drive all the way to gainsville to hang out with girls our age that are interesting. It kind of sucks, I mean, we hang out in Gainsville alot anyway but the...
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for those of you not living in florida, we had a huge ass hurricane down here this past weekend. it sucked. i stayed at my friends and the power went out and there was nothing to do. plus, i wont be able to work until thursday because it is so wet down here. thats ok though, i could use the time off so if anyone...
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not much going on, i purchased a paintball gun on ebay for a killer price, and i moved from one room to another in my house. i lead a very exciting life around here. i had to let go of my truck and now i have all this monet to spend, its pretty sweet even though i should be saving it up. oh well, you...
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yeah tottaly, 5 more days till I'm outta dis mofo for a little bit
I am so bored right now. My friend that i regularly hang with on the weekends has taken off to Georgia and i can't ride my motorcyle because this hurricane has got everything soked and its still raining. On the brighter side of things i just put my application in on the appartment ive been looking at and my and the girl that i am...
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Welcome to SGMC!
Please post your bike in Pix of my bike and introduce yourself to the gang in theNew Member Intros topic.
you know about what you said up there ^^ about the planning. dude at least your on you feet or at least almost there. you know how many guys just stay at their moms or dads.
So this weekend we went to se the lawrence arms in gainsville, which was a good show and all. those guys rock and i have been a fan of their music for a while but right in the middle of their show, the bass player/ singer was telling everyone about some girl next to the merch tables that was registering peop;e to vote, which was...
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I am so bored right now. My friend that i regularly hang with on the weekends has taken off to Georgia and i can't ride my motorcyle because this hurricane has got everything soked and its still raining. On the brighter side of things i just put my application in on the appartment ive been looking at and my and the girl that i am going to room with are quite hopefull. I can't wait to move out, its not that i don't like my parents, it's just that i don't like living with them anymore. If i had planned my exit from the Marine Corps a little better i would have never moved back home but i guess thats my fault huh. Oh well. bok