My account was reactivated

I am not sure if it is something SG does periodically or someone did it for me but it is pretty cool
SG. Happens every now and again. Welcome back!
Welcome back
I went to the SG Ireland meet last night

Met some really nice people

I unfortunately had to leave early cos my sister got hammered and lost and wanted me to come find her. I had intended going back but she started getting sick. I can't be annoyed at her cos she is a funny drunk and is a pathetic sight this morning smile

Daisy was...
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Awww, that's really nice. I'll pay you later.

No, it was lovely to meet you. We should definatly do it again.
Yes, bad luck abounds. But, so what i guess. That's the way these things go, i'm lucky in other respects, so i guess i shouldn't complain. Much.

Studyings not the worst thing in the world either. Jesus, i'm very positive tonight. What's wrong with me?
Time for an update. Warning this could be a long one and I don't expect anyone to reas it but kind of need to get my thoughts in order and here is as good a place as any

So first off things that went wrong last year and allowed me to feel sorry for myself
In chronological order

July: Mum was diagnosed with two different...
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that's what i was trying to say. It's all good things you've written, and you can see that when you read through it,

Except about your dog, sorry about that.

We'll go cinema so. Or watch a dvd. I talk a lot during films though. But we'll have some fun,
Sometime soon we'll have a dvd night. how's that sound? Or you could come to merry old cork, and come cinema with me. It's a BIT of a trek, but we DO have lovely cinemas. None of them are rat infested, i'm glad to inform you.

How was your trip wesht?
Good afternoon people

Feeling quite good about things, I joined the SG Ireland group and wasn't really sure what to expect, I have no previous involvement with the Boards or groups on SG

And what I found was some of the nicest, friendliest, most welcoming people I have ever come across

So I just want to say thanks to the SG Ireland people, I was...
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No. The crush did NOT have the sense to keep in touch. I think it's a lost cause. But i'm not overly upset. Cuz i'm not gonna waste my time over someone who doesn't sieze oppurtunities.

Oh well...

Do you get weighed at the gym regularly? Or do it yourself. I've never owned a weighing scales, when i was growing up my mum thought it'd put too much pressure on me to be a certain weight, so we just didn't have one. So i had no idea what i weighed till i went for a fitness assesment, and seeing as the last time i weighed myself was like, when i was 10, i've gotten MUCH heavier since. It's too be expected, but it's the only reference point i have, so i must assume i'm fat now.

I'm blipping.

I'll leave you alone now. Night.
Felling sorry for myself again

I broke up with my girlfriend just about 5 months ago, I have eventually accepted that we wont be getting back together and am trying to move on but it is so hard because I really don't want too

I guess what makes it so hard is that the break up was one sided, she wasn't happy so she left,...
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That sucks. But I guess at least she didn't wait any longer.. and 30 isn't that old! The same thing happened to me last year, there are other girls out there for you I promise.
Thanks for the moral support guys

To be honest when I wrote this I wasn't expecting anyone to ever read it

It was a kind of way for me to get things off my chest and get my thoughts in order

I am honestly feeling much better about things, I have accepted that things are over between us and starting to honestly for the first time try and get on with things

It seems once there is acceptance things are much easier for the first time in months I am feeling positive about things
Hello SG People

I am new so be Gentle kiss