So much training is going on. I have a karate grading the 20th of September, a tournament the 11th of October and Gumdo Grading/Nationals at the end of November. So basically all my days and nights are spent on the mat training in one thing or another.

I think I'll just sleep at Christmas. That sounds like a plan.

But I tell you, in the...
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that's why i train.....zombies. seriously, you are my hero. smile
Awe thanks doll blush that really does mean A LOT to me. Sometimes i wonder why it is that i train so much and so hard, but then i take a week off and I feel like my calm center has been taken away. lol.
Hey guys, I'm still alive. I've been hanging around and doing my thing. Mainly training but also having a wickedly awesome good time. I spent most of my saturday afternoon on a friends quad, ripping up the dirt like the dirty doll I am. By the end of it I was hanging off the thing into the corners and fish trailing it in gravel. SO...
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So today is my boy and mine 5month anniversary. I did, however, forget that just alittle. Oopsie? At least I will make up for it in a big way. XD I really do love my boy, but I like him too which I think a lot of relationships lack. We can goof off and have a randomly fun time, and then be all snuggly and...
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So tournament kind of went well but kind of didnt. I placed 4th in ever division which gets me to States but it means I didnt win anything. I fought really well, and really hard and never ever gave in. Everyone who watched and everyone who fought me said I was amazing. But amazing doesnt win you tournaments it seems. Ah well with some extra...
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Sorry to hear that you didn't win, but congrats on being able to move on! Hopefully things will go a bit better for ya next time around!
judging can be so subjective.....congratulations on advancing
I survived!

My weekend was full of heavy training and lots of it and I pushed through and came out on top. woot.

I feel pretty good about the tournament this Sunday. Its going to be hard and i still feel really under prepared for it due to being sick for about 3 weeks just recently. But I'm at my best under pressure so it...
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Best of luck at the tourney!
Well I have been a busy girl with all my training. I've been putting in about an hours weights work almost everyday this week, pretty heavy weights too. I havent run this week as I'm recovering from a throat infection and that has been annoying but today I plan on running out some sprints. I'm also going rock climbing tonight with my boy and a...
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damn girl you're my hero. smile
haha thanks doll. XD kiss
I am so jealous of thoes who are going to comic con. Maybe one of these days i could afford to fly over to the states to visit it. This year I'd mainly want to go for the Dollhouse panel. Eliza Dushku and Joss Whedon own my soul.

I went for a run yesterday with my boy. only 3.5kms but it was a slow hill...
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I am sick and hyper. I want to workout but I cant because I'm regulated to relaxing. RELAXING? I have a tournament coming up that I am stressed about and I want to get the boy fit for the army. I all ready took an unwanted week off for unforseen circumstances and now I have to take more time off. URGH. fFrustrating. mad frown ARRR!!!
I had it custom made in Korea at a shop called The Knife Gallery. smile
Hope you're feeling better!
Plane flights are horrible. Especially at Winter. Everyone trapped in this shell - coughing and spluttering over the non sick - like I was. I never get really sick, but I hate even hints of it. It means I cant go for runs or head to training. Stupid Planes - who's bright idea was that anyway? Anyway, at least Brisbane is a good 5 degree's...
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Saw you on the edged weapons group and just thought I'd say....Welcome to SG! biggrin
So I updated my profile with pictures of me. I will try to get better ones but its hard when Im not at home with a crappy camera. Plus I have had zero sleep of late and I dont have my make up with me. oops.

anyway I am heading home tonight, I'll finally be back with my boy - AND I have a whole...
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lucky boy indeed!