Not that anyone will read this...

But my annual need to put my thoughts somewhere other then my head has come to pass. Something I would reserve for Myspace, but since adding my mother to my friends list (a mistake maybe, but it gives her something to do), I would only be hounded via IM with lectures about keeping a positive attitude and blah blah...
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I read the news today, oh boy.

And it doesn't seem all that great. Not that it's anything new. No. Same shit, different year. But things seem to be getting worse. Not that surprised really. In fact, it's kinda depressing saying told ya so. So with the current situation, I'm gonna open an account at the Bank of Mattress, start storing water, cleaning my shotgun,...
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Hey you! Thanks for the add!
Have a great day! smile
Denied again! SonofaFuckinbitch!
Would just like a little area to call my own. That's all I ask.
Something to invest my time in, give back to those who gave to me.
To express who I am.
When, i say WHEN, am I gonna get my turn?


Fucking Propane Bastards.
the boredom has set in deep. too deep. so now i find myself doing what i never thought i'd do. blogging. what have i become? why lord why? o yeah, i'm bored. and will continue to be until o i don't know, 2:30 when i go to sleep. til then i will continue to write nonesense on the internet and look at naughty pictures of...
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