New info. Our company has said that they would like for those willing to extend our time here by another 2 months. I have also heard talk of them choosing people to possibly live here. I have not decided if I am up to that with my parents.I will deal with that when the time comes eeek
oh wow, that's insane! I think you should do whatever you feel will make you happiest. smile
Been, a little sick. I havnt not been to active. I have been going to work, then back to the hotel. I have pics, in the camera. Gonna go through them tonight pic out the best ones, and post them hopefully tomorrow. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer !!!
I want you to have that outfit lol
There seems to be a lot of that going around work whether it be from stress or just some random virus out for a stroll. I am going to heed my own advice this time and start getting my butt to bed at a decent hour. smile

Would love to see some pics. biggrin
A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life.

~~Hugh Sidey

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.


All war is deception.

~~Sun Tzu
For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no...
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Is having a blast here. love
hey! A-Team was awesome! Glad you're having a great time. Email me about what you've been up to. smile
I wanna see some pics too! biggrin
I am officially in Malaysia guys.I have been running myself ragged working but it is so worth it. I am hoping for 2 good days of site seeing coming up.
Hope your having a good time, you'll have to take some pictures and share them with us once you get back.
Okay. Just a quick blog took out my family today. Has an amazing time. I really needed it. Thanks to all my friends on here. Will post pics soon. Rev, I hope that your brother and mom are doing good. hugs. Vicinity, NeNe, ..just a few more to name. Hugs and thanks will be on tomorrow at some point.
No worries at all smile You have had a lot going on lately but thank you dear friend kiss
my bro just got out of his (hopefully) last surgery. Rehab road from here on out.

miss you and wish we could talk more. I know you have a busy job.

Thanks for checking in, hope you're doing great.
Thank you guys. sorry for my absence..just had a hard time. Rev...thank you for the jolt to get me to come back. I appreciate it. And I apologize again. I didnt mean to hurt anyones feelings. Things just caught up to me
welcome back smile
No need for apologies, you did what you had to do at the time. Glad you are back smile
Ok completely off subject..but Peter Steele died yesterday. frown Type O negative is a great band. Wonder if he is faking it again? Just FYI
come back soon frown hardly got to know you frown
thank you my friend. thank you.
Ok, update time. Mom is doing really good. We took her out yesterday to the park. we actually walked a mile. She looks beautiful. Dad agrees. She is getting her color back. She is even feeling better. So I am going to be staying here till I find another apartment...to those that didnt know. I paid off my lease moved home with my father to...
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I am glad to hear your mother is feeling better.
it can be hard when your parents are not in the best health. My mother is having surgery soon and my father is in really bad health. I kind of feel bad for living on the other side of the country from them
Hello everyone, still here. Everything..is calm right now..not good not bad. soo i cannot complain at this moment.I am stuck with that line " No news is good news" I hope that everyone is had a wonderful holiday. Take care
I did have a nice holiday. I hope yours was alright, too.

BTW one month to Iron Man 2. Just some good news for ya. smile I watched Iron man tonight in celebration. biggrin
I like your new picture