Honestly? Having the chicken button makes me not want to post anything else ever.

is this why your not posting? frown
bok bok bok

*end communication*
why am I the only one in vic who updates their journal? hello if your out there.
'man can will nothing...........
a most interesting woman
Holy crap! Who did I meet last night from SG? Did I dream that?!
was it me? wait i dont think i met you.....
Ok I definitely met you last night this time, you beat me at pool.
My baby/
I wouldn't use those words/
But that's all I could call/
Someone sweet as you.
sounds like ... good
Hot damn it's nice to get on the i-net every now and again. (As you can see, I have been far too busy. Too busy even to type out i-n-t-e-r-n-e-t.)

This post represents what I hope is the end of a horrific string of computer and moving related delays. What has been delayed? My secret internet life.

Right now I'm fairly excitable... and by excitable...
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was wondering where you went but i didnt know you internet life was a secret hope yo see you more on here just because i know how addicting this is smile

Well, I'm still computerless for another week or so (while I wait for my new one to arrive). I get very brief moments on the internet since I'm on a shared computer (sorry to those of you I haven't returned correspondance to yet).

The new machine is pretty sweet, though. Mac mini: 1.25 Ghz processor, 1 gb ram, 80 mb hard drive, etc. It...
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well if you need any help just say so. i was wondering where you went
Thank you! kiss
So, just as I suspected, worst case scenario.

The *only* person that could not afford in any way to pay for my computer is the one who fucked it up.

School is about to start and I will be out the door ONE THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS AND A COMPUTER.

I didn't sleep all night. I am trying to figure out where the HELL I am...
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If only it were as simple as being fixed... The logic board is fried (as in, there are literally burn marks on it).

According to the repair people, I may be able to salvage $500 worth in parts from it, which is almost heartening.
the mother board? or the controler board from the hard drive? if either is the case then all you need is a new motherboard or harddrive.

i have the feeling the info is toast unless you want to pay a lot to get it back
Ok, so yesterday's post is going to pale in comparison. Seriously. Listen to this.

I "ride" on an iBook G4 that I bought about 8 months ago. It's small and glorious and I will still be paying for it for a long time.

I just woke up. There is juice all over my little baby laptop, the table, the floor, and the speakers, none of...
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I've had my iBook a little over 3 years now. I can only imagine the pain you are feeling. frown

Someone needs a savage beating. mad

Good luck at the repair shop.
Holy fuckin shit batman.

That is absolutely ridiculous. Who ever spilt that juice needs a beating. And I would fully expect them to pay for it's repair/replacement. Seriously... who do you live with that is so irresponsible to allow juice to spill all over your computer and not make any effort to clean it up.

Unless it was an accident. But that's a pretty massive accident. Even as an accident, I would still expect the person who put the juice *nearby* the laptop to cover the damages.

Unless you put the laptop near the juice yourself... in which case... I pity you completely. (It's common knowledge that I'd do anything for an iBook, and so I feel your pain... I'd cry too.)
You know it's a big day when I post twice. This is worth it's own entry, I think.

Right now I am about to fucking kill a bitch.

This is only a *slight* exaggeration.

Now, I am a pretty laid back person. I'm not a "pushy" vegan. I ask for ONE accomodation. I don't need people to cook special food for me at a barbeque....
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i think they should replace the board for you but not because it's contiminaed wink there is always conjecture about wooden cutting boards, they have been used for hundreds of years and people still seem fine, i know there is some evidence that finds that wooden cutting boards still have an natural antseptic effect left from the natural occuring wood that aids in killing organisms and such but i still think dispite this they should buy you a new board just for the reasons that you just put.... hehe tell them to get you a nice big slab one wink just for spite
That sucks about your cutting board, you should get a plastic one so you don't have to worry about that in the future.

cool tat on the back of your neck by the way.
Today I am on my 6th day of seriously quitting smoking (again). If it weren't for Latty and his $40 bet (and Jeremy), I would still be inhaling those vile, wretched, (delicious, fulfilling, glorious) sticks of tobaccy. *sigh*

To keep myself occupied I've made two new characters on WoW, which I play while rocking out to Bloc Party and eating cereal with chocolate soy milk....
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