They have taken my soul, they have killed my dreams...I have nothing left to live for....
~Sparkles *Crash*
Working Grand Prix all this weekend. So I went straight from working at Knotts everyday I'm not at school, to working for my friends families production company. With her husband, we set up and are running audio for a band in the Paddock Club...a VIP area. It's pretty interesting. The band is really cool. They are called Party Jones. They are a cool lil cover...
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I don't turn into a super B*tch very often. But if I do it is because you have done something to disrespect me or be dishonest to me. Tonight I had 2 people do both of those such things.
Ok think about this scenario and what you would do. You are running a show, and due to that show theoretically the venue becomes yours and...
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and the sparkly cup did nothing for you?!

Awww, no love. I love the cup so much. Thank you for coming to see my show. Also thank you for going up on stage. Come on you know you loved it! If you come to Haunt again come see me again okies. Give me a heads up a day or two before though so I can get you a Halloween present or something.
Ch ch ch changes...

"Ch ch ch ch changes and face the strange ch ch changes, I want to be a better man." ~HOTTEST MAN EVER

So I'm loving living with my sister. It has really brought us together. And for the first time I feel like I'm actually facing life...the real world as they say. Since I have moved in, my grandmother has passed,...
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Copy and paste this link:


What do you guys think? Do you think it would work? I'm somewhat interested in it. I'll have to save up to get it after I get my tattoo and stuff. But I'm willing to try it if ya'll think it will work...I would love to tone and lose in my mid section...


I could try TURBO JAM...
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I love nerds...so I was talking to my mom and I called her a nerd...I dunno I call alot of people nerds. It's my loving way of saying you are silly and make me happy...I dunno...so I looked it up...what does nerd mean, where did it come from?

"The first documented use of the word Nerd is in the 1950 Dr. Seuss story, If I...
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So like an idiot I lost my rabbit fur pouch I used at fair. Oh and guess what it had in it? My school ID, My Ren Fair work ID, $40, My Visa Atm Debit Check Card, and my DRIVERS LISCENSE. Yeah so today I got to start to take care of all of that. Cancelled and reordered a new Visa ATM Card, made an...
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Happy bday and junk. biggrin

So I got a phone call last night from the regional manager of the Fellowship Foundry booth for the So.CA Renaissance Fair. And they got my application that I emailed them a few weeks back, and my friend Jabberjaw talking to them helped too...and well I have the job. So since I have that job for sure I'm putting my two weeks in...
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I am very happy that you got your Ren faire job. I hope it all works out for you as well. That would be great. You are a wonderful and beautiful individual who I am very proud to call my friend. You deserve all the best.
A good friend of mine, who I trust and respect greatly brought this to my attention. I think everyone should read it...and if you agree that it is unethical you should let the public hear about this. The only dangerous music lover and or customer, is an uneducated one. Can you believe what they are telling kids to do?

so basically i don't...
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mad mad mad