wow. never thought i'd be back here. someone re-activated my account on here. being that i only know one person who is on this site, i may have an idea who, yet, not sure as to their motives. interesting nonetheless, and at least i can look at some tits in the meantime. thanks, whoever you are, who chose to remain anonymous. whatever
Welcome back! smile
MY ACCOUNT WILL DRY UP SOON. and i think life will get a little easier ironically. good luck to all you lovely ladies and your popstar dreams

"she gave us all she had but we went back for more. can't seem to shut her legs, our mother nature is a whore." survivalism.yearzero.nin.

my final rant that no one will ever see anyhow:

Suicide Girls, i...
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minutes become hours.
become days.
become weeks.
become years.
minutes become lifetimes.
especially the ones you miss.

how many lives have i had?

years and years have faded.
people have come and gone.
the closest people are now the furthest away.

cherish every moment or you'll wish you did.
very well put blackeyed
You're still here though, and that's what counts. Find a new happiness in the moment.
See the animal in his cage that you built
Are you sure what side you're on?
Better not look him too closely in the eye
Are you sure what side of the glass you are on?
See the safety of the life you have built
Everything where it belongs
Feel the hollowness inside of your heart
And it's all
Right where it belongs
What if...
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i love that song...
hope you have a happy new year too
no that's not why i quit...i just wasn't feelin it so much anymore i guess.
you've been begging for my attention
so you know, you've got it now
i can't pretend anymore
that i dont see you waving your hand
saying "here i am"

i think about it, now i understand
you feel left behind and it's time to make a stand
you only noticed when i wasnt there
but what you told me is that you didn't care

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the Cleveland group is pretty dead (welcome anyhow, though), join SHOHIO, it's much more active.

-Coach Stirfry
hey there darling! i've missed you!

sorry i suck at keeping in touch. blackeyed
sometimes i park in handicapped spaces and watch handicap people make handicap faces. i'm an asshole.
upon meeting more and more of them in real life, girls that are so starved for attention have bcome such a turn-off. im not saying anything about who they are, or how attractive they are, as most that do are beautiful.

but more or less its just kind of sad.

somewhere down the line they lost trust in single person's words meaning anything.

the insecurities...
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we're sorry, the person you are calling is dead.

we've been replaced by panic at the disco? ouch.

you know i had a girl tell me once that she was uncomfortable with the fact i owned and watched porn. because she didnt like the competition. of images on tv? but then she became a "dancer?" and the very idea of the place is for married...
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you kick so much ass. you and i are in an almost identical position. and your writing skills=awesome. kiss
I actually read this a while back and I was trying to decide something meaningful to write back.

Sometimes people don't really know what they want, and some people never really figure it out. Ultimately though you have to do what's best for you and you can't always wait around hoping someone else gets it together. In those cases sometimes you have to cut people off. In the best case scenario you're able to make a clean break and just walk away, but sometimes it takes a direct confrontation for someone to get the message.

I know both of you, so I don't want to get in the middle of it too much, but that's my advice from one friend to another. I'd say it to anybody ina similar situation.
it may seem hot when your girlfriend is a suicide girl. and it is.

but like heroin, they starve for that attention anywhere and everywhere.

when she leaves you to be a stripper, its not hot.

this place makes me sad now.


Hey I"ve only met you a couple of times. I belong to Dave from PKS. I've just read your blogs and heard a little of what's been happening with the girl you love/loved? Just wanna say that sucks and hope things get better. But I so totally agree with your blog about emotional bonds and all that you expressed! Just wanted to give a kudos on that! ooo aaa
pish posh this and fuck off that.

living dead girl
what are you thinking about....

can this world get any smaller........
I think so.

-cheap thrills are throw-away memories. meant to be lived fast and forgotten so you can attain the next. its the things you work for, that show true reward. its people who care about you that get you through life. whistles from a construction worker or the guy at table 4 shouldnt make you feel beautiful. its loving you without makeup, without the costuming that makes...
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very true
"emotional bonds are stronger than financial bonds and the importance can't be implied enough."

right on<3