So many people complain when the summer hits. "It's too hot out!" "It's too humid!"

Not me.

Winter sucks, flat out. Summer is fantastic. I don't care if I'm sweating enough to make my own swimming pool, bring on the heat. Anything is better than freezing my nuts off from a short walk to the car from my front door.

Also, the beach. Thank you.


Definition of Risky: Trying to remember not to rub your eye to hard because you are on your last pair of contact lenses and your glasses are now broken.

This is especially difficult when you own a cat...and are allergic to it....


Why have we reached a point in this world where it is more popular to defend a stance by insulting others rather than presenting an informed counter argument. What have we become? 1st grade children?

Seriously...as human beings, our biggest strength is supposed to be our mind. When did we decide to stop using it?


To all of the mothers out there, I hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day. To those of you with a mother you love very much, take the time to tell them you love them, treat them specially, and hug them tight. You never know when the day will come where you no longer have that luxury.


This is it. Tomorrow is finally the day. Say goodbye to those pieces of chocolate cake and ice cream, say hello to salad and healthy meals in reasonable portions. The gym will be my second home. My body will be my temple.

It's time to whip this little dough boy into shape!


Gonna be rock solid!



Is that a cookie?


One thing about me is that I spend a good amount of time volunteering. I work with kids to try to inspire them to make a better future for this world. It is, by far, the most rewarding and wonderful thing that I have ever done in my life.

The downside?

Kids pass germs like footballs. If you are around a large group of them...
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There is a reason that oven mitts were invented. For the record, if you grab an oven rack with your bare hand, be prepared to yell and swear at nothing in particular. Once you realize that you are in pain or recognize the smell of burning flesh, it is advisable to find your nearest faucet and unload the coldest water possible onto the affected area....
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At what point in your life do you stop looking in the mirror only to tell yourself "I don't recognize the person looking back at me?". At what point do you accept that the person who is looking at you in your reflection is in fact the person that you have become? At what point do you decide the time to change is now?

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Good Lucky honey!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

Temperatures for the next three days: 77, 82, 67. Work schedule for the next three days: Working, Working, Working.

If there is a god, he definitely hates my guts!


Take the high road? I built the high road.

Letting it all roll off your back gets much harder when people keep lashing you there.

Patience is more than a virtue, it is a necessity in these times.