From rare


Hey there! Have you seen my new set ‘Good vibes’ ? 🥰❤️ Would love to know what do you think 😉

I don't  usually like super explicit comments about model's body parts.. But since you're asking!!..   Lol.   So, 1st... Your hair is just awsome. It's really alluring that curly.  I just like it.  And what a cute freaking face!  - But yeah, this set is great. I love the window set as a rule, and this is full of sweet silhouettes, so no exception. But there are a couple of shots that are sexy enough to really really get me.  Makes me say a little heart shaped prayer. (the cute booty shots) And I worship your incredible boobs.  I would usually be more circumspect, except that you asked...  So thanks. You're a doll, and I appreciate you.  Love to you, hugsie. ~♥♥♥~
@sirtoddo he-he thank you 💋🥰