Woot Im an Uncle!

New drinking buddy in the makin!
Got a txt from an ex I would rather not have gotten. For one it kinda fscked my mentality for the day and two I was actually having a good day for once. So anyhow I had given her a guitar at one point in time of which she appreciated at the time as well. Recently she moved out from her roomates house to her...
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Went to Zion for the weekend, very shibby, first day hiked til i almost threw up (been awhile since ive hiked, started smoking recently too, quitting btw after this weekend), second day followed an unused trail on the map which turned out to be longer and more strenuous than it seems. Quit after 3 hours.............. AAAAANNNNNDDDD after all of that I only managed to burn...
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New post.........because the old was was stupid.

That is all
I swear the people I associate myself with are taking stupid pillz in the morning.

"Hey Im pregnant!"
"Really, hows the dad taking it?"
"Oh jesus -_-"

1 1/2 years later

"Im pregnant again!"
"OMFG Did you not learn the first time!?!"
"Apparently not."
"Apparently your fscktarded, you need to have your head examined........hows the dad taking it?"
"Oh just fscking shoot yourself!"...
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I dont care how old you are, how well you know people and or places, and that you can take care of yourself, I really dont. If you live with people, bet it mom, dad, your siblings, friends, your aunts fscking dog......if you go out and stay out til lord knows when its common "FUCKING COURTESY" to let them know, 'hey im going out, dont...
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