So Emory and I were fretting because the "domestic partner" agreement that gets me health insurence on his plan only takes effect after we live together for 12 months. Well poo.

So after thinking about this for a minute Emory says, "Want to get married?"

Hee hee hee hee. Well no, I don't, unless there's no good alternative. I don't believe in marriage. And...
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Liz is gonna have her baby real, real soon. She put my hand on different places on her belly and you could feel little bumps and angles... Like, maybe his feets? Wow. So neat. When Liz and I were 10, we used to catch frogs together, so I bought her a little newborn onsie outfit with frogs on it. Awww. So cute. Anyway. That's coming...
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I'm all fucked up. Woke up this morning and I couldn't move. Huge, huge pain in the neck and shouler. Oh shit. Someone came in last night and broke my damn back.

Well no. It's acute tocomosomthing. I don't remember. Starts with a T and there's some C's in there. I can't turn my head, and shoulder are jacked up all funny and I can't...
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Thesis.... I love it and it's the best thing I've ever done. But, you know, it's really at that point where it's about to kill me. My eating, sleeping... All fucked up. The other night I woke up at 3am. Just.. woke up. So I worked on thesis for a few hours. It's hard to make myself relax. Sex usually relaxes me, but lately I...
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it was a hoax, probably.
man, that lady is NUTS.
I'm taking time off from Scripps but I keep hearing about all the stuff going on on the news. Do you thiink that lady just did it to make people aware and get people talking or is it even further insanity? And what's this about the cmc professors and white supremacy group... I never heard anythiing about that. Please inform me so when/if I come back I'll know what I'm up against. Happy spring break.
Spring break! Thank god. Need to get out of here for a bit.
No classes yesterday. Spent all day in protests, rallys, forums, sit-ins and teach-ins responding to a hate crime on campus. Got sunburned in the process, should have been working on my senior thesis, but it would have irresponsible of me not to stand up for this. This isn't some distant political issue we have no say in. This is here. This is our home. Our...
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Sounds like something I went through on my campus senior year.
My advice, if you want it, is to make sure that you get something from the administration beyond promises and intents.
I hope every turns out okay, and if I could, I'd be standing next to you rallying!
I'm getting worn down. Stressful times. Just heard today that one of the other English majors... Her thesis is literally killing her. She's developed a heart condition due to the stress. Good lord.

I saw a friend today who I don't see very often, and I told her we should hang out... She was like, "Yeah, totally! Wanna come over to my house and... Study...
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What exactly is the "high road"? wink
school takes over another life...it sucks, i'm just doing an undergrad thesis and it consumes more of my time than anything else. eek.
Says my friend Paul: "My mother sort of looks lke Martha Stewart. Because of this my ANCIENT and very senile step-grandmother thinks that Martha Stewart IS my mother whenever she comes on television. Recently my step-grandmother has been totaly distraught that my mother might be going to prison. None of the nurses have been able to convince her otherwise."