Ouch.. Been in the hospital since Wednesday. Had my gall bladder removed but due to oxygen levels and possible blood clot on lung im still in hospital. Should be able to go home friday... Man im sore right now...
Hope you feel better soon!
Just not sure how to get you to notice me or like me or if you do then to talk to me.. maybe you are busy and im just taking it wrong..
It's ok. I get that all the time here. I happen to think you are pretty cool wink
Tired Tired Tired.. Only got 4 hours of sleep yesterday.. Why am I still awake??? Ahhhhhhh gotta work at the bank tonight.. FUCK i'm frisky feeling...... I need to pick me up a new boy who has time for me.....
I haven't gotten much sleep lately either. It sucks.
Why am I still awake? Its 6am... Went to walmart hours again and got my friend some roses and a card yea my friend. I think we could make that jump to being a couple I dunno how much of a match we are but we love each other and I feel amazing wihen were together. Leaving walmart to go to his work and leave...
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off work yea....... Feelin tired going to bed soon.. got my apt to myself this weekend.. gotta work tonigh tho.. Thinkin about getting an industrial done on my right ear. I dunno yet guess if I decide to get it there will be pics soon. Hmmmm I have a tattoo folder I should make a piercings folder too.. Why not this is my lil space...
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most women Are picky
and the reason being
they posses the Power
in their cotton undies...
chicks need to lighten up.
Maybe most guys just suck....
Not sure if im working tonight yet or not.... Going to go down to the pool and relax a little before dinner...
Chillin at home watching some cable bored.. System issue at the call center bank I work for so I'm off tonight from work with PAY! Pretty sweet!!!!!!!!
Wow I havent blogged on here since my bday damn... I need to get more active.. Well besides getting on my feet and getting my own apt and still rockin the single mom thing i'm doing ok. Single life hasnt been too bad it has its moments. I find myself getting more and more over my ex bf. uhhhhh working for a bank now 3rd...
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Hey!!! How are u??? thanks for friendship!!!!my set is avaible now!!! please check it! and vote biggrin thanks honey! hope we can talk soon
Hi, friend
happy birthday. you're only as old as you act! smile
thats hands down my favorite pic of you, super sexy! love