My big ass TV broke so now I'm watching a 18 inch Tv it sucks I just bought my 36" 4 yrs ago and the warranty just ran out a month ago. Damn now I online looking for parts but they use odd parts #'s what the hell . The ones I have don't even mach anything. In other news I got a hair cut...
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i asked him if he was gay, and he wigged out, so i was like ok sorry bro and then cus he was like OMG I'M DONE HANGING OUT, i was like ok maybe that is for the best, he wrote that blog...

stupid drama.
To busy to update but I will get to it later and check out everybody's journals. Sorry it been so long ,later.
Hey there

Sorry it took me so long to reply. I have not been on the site very often. How are things with you? I have been good. Very busy with things but good. hope you had a great weekend.

ZZTop or Sg girls. Damn sorry but naked chics dancin around I can see any time ZZ Top is comin the same night as the SG tour and unfortunately I'm a huge ZZ fan so they win. Sorry girls..I'm sure all tickets will be sold none the less.
Hey stranger! I dig the new profile pic.

Re: My Journal
It's a movie. RENT IT! It comes out tuesday.

well now you are getting a random cd, so email me your address.
I've come to believe I'm a hateful person . What can I do about this I just am never happy these days and can get pissed and hold that hatred in me for a very long time . It feels like heat inside me that can only be relieved by letting my temper explode.That won't happen thogh I have this really wierd good side that...
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To busy to update but I will get to it later and check out everybody's journals. Sorry it been so long ,later.
Nothing going on enough to update about it just work work work 6 days a week 12 hours a day. I'm starting to really need a get away to Cali. I'm getting next weekend off so I can go play in the ocean.
Hey there! Hope Tucson is treating you fine. Have a great Birthday!
Holy hell moving sucks just have to much stuff. Stressing as well just got a new job a 2002 Camaro and a new house. Alot to worry about in a 6 month period of time.Hope every thing works out so I don't lose it. All I can do I guess is keep workin hard. Keep the flow of cash up. I gotta admit I'm getting...
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I closed on my new house. No more living in fucking Catalina the boonies of Tucson. I'm moving next weekend to 22nd and Kolb. Much more like civilization. I'll kinda miss having two acres to play on but now I have a bigger house (about 1700 SQ. Ft.) a work shop and a hot tub. I'm real friggin happy!
no i didnt give up, i guess i'm just not getting the response that i thought i would from the tucson group! whatever
Ooohhhh, hot tubs are fun.

And yes, you *must* find Toby Tyler.

Good luck with the move!