I've been playing No Man's Sky and I meet an alien. In No Man's Sky you can't understand aliens before you learn their language, all I could understand was "Friend... Something High something Friends .... high a lot of something" and then I had the option to give the alien either food or water

I gave him food. What would you have given the alien?


I had a nice time yesterday. I was out until the sun got up, and meet some new people, but I got drunk on my way home and can't remember going to sleep.

But it was nice


My friend's in town so we're drinking beer and getting ready to go out. We're working on my writing skills so I'll sound more confident.

I've been through a lot of change during the past two year and now that I'm fresh on my new medicine it's time to work on my social skills. It needs work but in a year, around the time I'm...
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I Want To drik beer and to my friends Who I haven't seen in a while but my friends Are stoned and Want To sleep. It's only 2.30 am and The sun hasn't Come up Yet. True I got an unfair advantege. I'm not sleepy Because of my medicine

I correct myself. After they've finished Their last beer they'll go to sleep. Which is now

I feel limited with only three pigeonholes. I'd like to add Coffeeholic and Occasional Traveler

I'm not sure what a Coffee Snob is but it has coffee in it

I might change mine into whatever I'm not
Yes. Is it because you have so many interests?

I just joined. I'm 21, male. I have a serious illness and have been ill for 2 years. Finished a medicin change monday, and it gave me a lot more energy and feelings. I do a lot of different thing, or used to. My illness has made things difficult, but it looks like I can do a lot more now. I just started working out,...
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Side effects: Lack of sleep and hunger. I'm more impulsive and think too much about stuff. The last two is because thoughts follow feeling and I'm not used to it.
nice to meet you <3