I went into a coffeeshop today and we were all wearing tshirts that were different parodies of the Greetings from Ashbury Park postcard made famous by the Bruce Springsteen album.

My friend is away this weekend showing her cervix to med students for money.

My friend is away this weekend showing her cervix to med students for money.

That's pretty crazy!

I am SO going to use that to hit on someone in the near future...
Went over to a handsome androgynous neighbors house for veggie barbecue and mojitos.
Sounds like fun. I love androgynous people... especially beautiful men! (For the most part... I perfer women.)
We right minded folks can sit around all day and talk about the controversy surrounding Eminem. We could discuss whether hes homophobic and misogynist and whether hes repented and whether he was just kidding around to begin with. The conversation would deepen into the broader issues such as when someone generates a culture versus when they reflect it and where is the line between the...
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<center><table border="1" width="450"><td align="center"><br />Scrapple Chingon is most likely to get laid in <b>Georgia</b>, <b>in a tavern</b>.
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Fourteen hours in a fucking car just to watch the girl be rude to her mom and to drink one lousy chug of coffee-milk. I'm so tired and cranky.
I got stressed out on my birthday, because I felt pressure to have a good time, to figure out my life, and to get all my shit done. I'm having fun the weekend after. People are coming into town because it's presidents day. They take me out to eat. I finished buying clothes for work. I just need to do some laundry now.
birthdays can suck like that just remember there's many days out of the year when we can feel like we should be "doing something" or maybe feel that we haven't been doing something but it's all in our heads... no really... after a few months of realizing that i've been depressed (and not in that stupid teenage way) i've found that I do most of these things to myself... no one else really puts pressure on me to be different ... it's just me... so eat drink and be merry my love and have a wonderful beginning to your new year... kiss
I had okra and eggplant in tomato sauce for dinner. It's a break from my fish and greens rut.

TLA has smut vhs for only $6 bucks a tape. I loaded up on the Andrew Blake. It's all well photographed lesbians in shiny fetish gear playin with their feet.
saw you where from philly too so I thought I stop by and say hi.
Happy birthday!

I'm watching Country Boys on PBS, a five part documentary on small town Kentucky teenagers. It's painfully obsessive inspiring. Last week, I watched a WalMart documentary on the same program and was just overwhelmed by the juggernaut that is Chinese state capitalism. It's funny that I feel more engaged by TV than the drivel I look at online.

I bought Mandela's autobiography today, which my...
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I can drive anything actually. Surprisingly enough, but I usually have to have a pillow so I can see over the steering wheel! wink

Hey I just saw you profilename ... I knew you were from Philly...just thought id say HI
There's photos of my wench brigade online. You
can't really see me, but it's fun.
keep singing!
I have holiday music stuck on my head. There's one song they're always playing on the radio. It's Dean Martin or Bing Crosby or one of their wannabes, I'm not sure. There's a big band and back up singers and the star. In the chorus, the star bellows, "Happy holidays! Keep singing! Happy holidays to yooou!" Somewhere in the bottom of his voice...
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ahhhh... holiday music... when it comes on i change the station I refuse to listen untill the 24th - it's my own personal protest to retail starting christmas before thanksgiving is over... of course i have to admit there's a little space in my heart for the little drummer boy.... happy holidays tongue