Well it's back to work tomorrow, and it looks like my boss had recieved a warning about my working hours, it seems EU law stipulates that over a 17 week rolling period, I'm not supposed to be doing over 48 hours average. I'm up at 55, and in most cases, I'm doing much more at peak times. After all, if you take the day off...
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i would have it follow me about like a pet biggrin
it is in eu law that you are not allowed to work more than 48 hours in a regular working week. however you and your boss can get around this if you sign a waver decliration stating that you wont hold him of the firm responsible if anything happens to you as a result of working more than 48hours in a single week, i.e. off due to work related stress, that kinda shit. it keeps the laywers and insurers happy and you get to carry on with your job as normal. ive been in 2 jobs where i have had to sign one of these declerations (even though i only found out i should have had one in the first job after i had left whatever
but if you are working with computers you probably should try to cut back on the hours you are working smile
Ah, back from holiday.

Three nights in Paris, very nice, stayed in the Montparnasse area, and for once we seemed surrounded by nice parisians! lots of good food and drink, then onto:

Venice. Nice to look at, not much to do (which suited us), but *TOO MANY TOURISTS* argh. I hate people.. sheesh.. but otherwise good.

Back to work next monday, so much to do.

Why must me and Cat argue all the time, it's not even like she's lived her for that long a time anyway. Still when it's good, it's good. and the good time outweigh the arguments, even if it is just the pair of us being silly.

And now for a hectic two weeks, everyone is going on holiday, and prettly much I'm there to hold...
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eeep. but you should get her to play too, then you can play together and stuff tongue heh.
/me waves at Magenta, cheers for adding me hon!
eeeeee hello biggrin
well... is she purdy? might have her as a pet shocked hehehe tongue
Haven't updated for a while, but been very busy, however have moved house now, Cat is now living with me, which seems to be OK so far, and it's only a matter of time before we sort something out over manchester way.

Packing is such a pain in the ass though. *shudder*

looks like I might be taking two weeks of soon, I think we...
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Just returned from India (Mumbai and Goa) Will update with full breakdown soon
Yay! India added me as a friend.

So that's one.

Went to ann summers and bought some fun things for me and Cat, Mmmmm nice. Get to play with things tomorrow

Ah, happy days

Snow, boo, but hopefully tomorrow got an old friend of mine coming over and we're going to the Cockpit (assuming it's open), and we shall rock out.

Actually managed to go and rock out over the weekend at Jillies in Manchester, with the other half, it was nice to get her out.

AND, she wore the emily strange cat ears hoodie that...
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Not much going on at the moment, Spent the weekend down in Dover to celebrate burns night, mingled with rich and influential people, and probably made an arse out of myself, cest la vie.

Hmmm, sometimes I find that when alone, after a day of work, a certain darkness settles upone my heart, it could be the quiet or it could be the contemplation of another week that's passed.

I find that I'm getting more and more dissolusioned with work, the old adage that there is more to life than money, which I can sympathise with, but I'm sure...
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