It's sad but I always seem to forget that I have a SG account. What is wrong with me?

Wait... no need to start that list. wink
Hey this is Banbury from SGAtliens. We are trying to drum up some new people in the group..so please come out to our next open event and meet some kick-ass people!!!

Fox & Hounds (1193 Collier Road), Sunday 5/25 8PM
I wrote these "lyrics" last week. Just insert whatever heavy metal sound you want for them. biggrin

People are dorks!
People are dorks!
Brains made of cork!
People are dorks!
People are dorks!
Stick 'em with forks!
People are dorks!
People are dorks!
Dumber than Mork!
People are dorks!
People are dorks!
Stuff 'em with pork!
People are dorks!
People are dorks!
Makes me wanna hork!...
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(*laughs*) So much for second chances! He dumped me again so he can pursue an actual relationship with her. At least I know this has NOTHING to do with me. He is just a geriatric little boy who doesn't know what he wants.

And I don't give third chances. wink So w00t to me! (*giggles*)
hey - good for you!

SGATL is having an open event this Friday. Check out the info here and let me know if you can make it!
Well, after much drama, I think my Dom and I are back together. As it turns out, there' a 22yo little subbie slut in Augusta that he had sex with and is currently in Augusta playing with right now. He thought ending it with me would be better than telling me the truth. I know I'm a fool, but I'm giving him a second chance....
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Have a Very Merry yourself.

love ooo aaa
My Dom released me tonight. It was unexpected and I'm extremely hurt. But I know I'll get over it.

I heard the best way to get over an old bf is to get under a new one...
I've always supported that approach.

ooo aaa
Seriously... I am addicted to making ATCs... eeek surreal

I did get away from it for a while this weekend. I went to my Dom's holiday party for work with him on Saturday and afterward we went to a strip club. The lady at the door looked me over and said I could go in for free which I thought was kinda weird but cool. We were...
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I absolutely *love* your cards!! I think the "Imagine" one is my favorite...very cool! smile

I am soooo excited about our tattoos, Seester! It's been a long time coming, so I am haaaappy that we are finally going to do it together!! Yay for us!

I love you so much and I can't wait to see you on Xmas eve, baby!

Lil Sis kiss