Good heavens! It's been over a month since my last post! Where does the time go?

And a bit has happened since last here. smile

Since going to 1763 the first time on July 28 (see previous post for my very first experience while there), I have been collared by a very wonderful Dom who goes by Garn online. "Garn" stands for "Georgia Registered Nurse" or...
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Her eyes held mine as she introduced herself to me. I reached for her hand,
said who I was, and then I ceased to exist as me. I floated over the floor to
meet her friends, my heart pounding under my breasts, barely able to hear. She
said she wanted to play with me. She asked her Master if she could. My brain
screamed YES!...
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wow! i wish my life was this exciting!! smile

Ugh. I've been in a funk lately and I just can't seem to shake it.

If I didn't have a day's worth of doctor's appointments tomorrow, I would seriously consider treating myself to a bowl of Mother Nature tonight. It's either that or chicken wings. Mother Nature has less fat and calories, though. smile

Seester, cover your eyes.

(I need a good hard fucking... badly....)

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Yay! I... am.... back!

(*pauses for applause*)

(*hears only the enthusiastic chirping of the crickets*)

My husband finally got my computer back up and running which is wonderful! I have so much to catch up with online!

Not much has been happening since I went analog. I finally got a chance to play with Average... twice. (*grins*) If she can find a job on my...
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Glad you had a great time at ClayCon! I got an earful (and that's putting it mildly) from Mom about her not seeing you...haha don't you ever do that to me again, Seester! She...scares...me.

Hope to chat to you more now that you're online again! I've missed you!

Oh! I have two new babies! 3 wk old kittens and I can't stop bragging about them lol...i posted a pic in the kitties group in case you wanna see them...they are soooo precious smile

Loooove yooooou, Seeeeester!
Stolen from my seester! :-)


Q. What is your salad dressing of choice?
A. Honey mustard

Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
A. Subway (only because it is easier to get low-fat food quickly)

Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
A. Vinings Grille, Chili's, and Champ's

Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
A. 20% plus...
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Still no computer at home but the part has been ordered. smile I joined Weight Watchers & have lost 7.4 lbs in 2 weeks. biggrin

Yay to almost having your computer back!! And Congratulations on your success with WW...that's awesome, Seester!!

I miss you lots and love you too smile
My computer is on the fritz which is why I haven't been online. Obviously. Thank goodness for text messaging!

I know it's been a while since I've been online. It's been even longer since I posted.

I dunno... I guess I am just in a funk and reverting back to my hermit habits.

Not much has been going on... well, not really. Average is still flirting with me at the M&Gs which is cool. I've decided that I don't really mind being a flirtation...
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Hey you!

You will have tons of fun up here for that! I'm glad you guys are finding time to keep that tradition alive cause I know what a blast it is...and I remember quite well the one time I got to go cause that was the fun night/morning that I got a call from jail with MIke telling me he was arrested for stealing a car ...I was pregnant at the time, remember? awww memories. I would never ever spill this secret to the 'rents btw ...ugh, and I don't blame you for not wanting me to haha

Sorry your girl friends up here are being poopheads...why the hell wouldn't they want to spend time with you?! Biatches better recognize how fricken awesome you are! They are the ones missing out, that's all I can say smile

Anyway, hope everything else is going good for you...talk to you soon!

Love you soooo much, Seester!!!
I know I'm a few days late. smile The M&G was freaking awesome! Average brought me a can of whipped cream and said it was for later. (*melts*) She was wear a brown halter dress and looking very much like a milk chocolate Marilyn Monroe. She sat next to me and flirted with me... big time.

It's good that nothing more than flirting happened... well, basically......
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I need to be flirted with by hot girls.
I'm hot, I'll flirt with you! wink
Last Saturday, I went to a redneck ghetto fabulous bar with my friend Alphie and
his current flavor, Average... who is not average by any means, I must say. She
just has a low opinion of herself but she is by far one of the prettiest women I
have met in person in quite a while. As it turns out, she claims to bi. Woohoo...
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It's been a while since I've been online. My parents were here for a week starting last Friday and just headed back to MN this morning. It was nice to see them since it'd been about 18 months since I'd really seen them last but I must say that is was SO nice to have them leave again. Mom and I actually got along fairly...
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yeah, that's pretty random.
That's sooo cute! I'm guessing that's not the fun you were talking about staying up for though, eh? haha, naughty Seester smile