From jack8478


I'm opening my heart to you in friendship. Would you like to allow me to be a friend to you? I'm always here for you either way. Just offering. No strings attached. Just offering you an opportunity to get to know me. Would you like to give me a chance? Please

nobody said you were asking for sex, or a relationship. Just try not to lay it on so thick. ive been on this site a long time and seen a lot of the way people act. I'm merely pointing out that your behavior is a little suspect. do yourself a favor and work on your profile, let people know who you are. Facebook can be a bit too personal for someone you just met. they might not be ready to share such sensitive information. and normally I don't  get this involved, but for some reason your behavior raised some red flags. when someone is going through emotional and relationship problems and you come out being very persistent, it seems a bit odd. 
I don't what I have done for this guy to have such a problem. I have offered my Facebook page so you can see who I really am. I offered you my phone number to talk privately. I have gone through a very bad breakup as I have started telling you. I truly do not understand the problem.