Yes indeed, another fun filled tuesday afternoon and one that at any minute I could shift from doing whatever it is that I'm supposed to be doing to sloughing off in bed, under the covers, reading more of this great book.
I should be tryiing to figure out how to use my new digital cam. since I have to shoot my friends wedding next weekend!...
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I come to realize often that it's only our perceptions of life and our visions and understandings of what we're doing that keep us going. When that falls away and reality hits---you start clawing at the sides of the pit to keep your head above ground.
I know theoretically that that's what the buddhist 'nothingness' is all about is emerging into/ or rather letting go...
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I suppose walls to keep the world away are a major barrier to allowing the creative process the freedom to blossom, but for day to day living I wouldn't be without mine.
however, trust has never been one of my strong points. ( I don't mean trust 'issues' as such, more..'i don't trust you to catch me if I'm falling' kind of thing... confused maybe thay are the same.. whatever )
confused confused
I'm having difficulty getting my thoughts in order this morning. biggrin
I obviously need to wake up more before I write next time.
biggrin biggrin
thanks for all the brightness on my journal, it banished the mad 's quite nicely.
I need a hobby, or maybe just a hobby horse.

All work and no play makes Jack....
Alas, I've sunk into a really good book- 'Jonathon Strange & Mr. Norell'. Great characters, perfect Charles Dicken-ish writing, fine wit, just perfect. It has been such a long while since I've had a book to really sink my teeth into. I've gotten half way through alot of so-so this and that and read quite a bit of nonfiction, but its about damn time that...
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It's feelin' like fall and this is when it feels best to be living in a small country town. Lots of Nick Cave in the mix for the occassion.
I used to hate fall when I was growing up, I think it had something to do with football and allergies. But I sense that its rapidly becoming my favorite season. And I think that I...
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thanks for the encouragement. I've been writing lots in my journal (of the non-online persuasion). It's nice to know people care, al be it, in a cross-the-internet-universe-kind-of-way. smile smile smile
okay in everything, now and again there is a great rennaisance----well, folks right here it's ........Aiden. I don't usually get all crushed out on gals that I don't talk to or at least see face to face but, hubba hubba. I'm infatuated
biggrin ..entries like this always send me off with a smile on my face.
Infatuation is fun.
Rain, Rain, Rain------I love it. Even more I want to be out in it.
Throw the stones and collect the taxes
this isn't about mass appeal-it's a shredded thought

And right at the core lies the deepest ember to keep us at the edge of our seat
wanting more but never needing another THING

What was once kept hidden stays hidden until its down to bone and what was once hidden sometimes stays hidden when left all alone

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I would try to swim sensibly but i know i'll just start arsing about after 5 minutes of lanes.
Tough Love------we buried our best friend this weekend (the pup that was sick) and we've been a wreck for a few days. This is a new life without having him here. I miss him.
Tough Love------we buried our best friend this weekend (the pup that was sick) and we've been a wreck for a few days. This is a new life without having him here. I miss him.
Duldrums and dropdowns........ frown

Our lovely dog friend had to be taken into surgery yesterday and 100 miles from our house----it's pretty major and the condition was lifethreatening... and we won't see him for three + days. I miss him already--he's number one in the household. He's certainly been through the till, but I think we need to have him come through this one okay and...
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I'll be keeping all my bits crossed.
Its awful when animals are ill
Well I'm at the end of my resignation period for my day job and scared as hell. But chances are of the element of personal success I know.
i spent today doing, well, nothing. It feels kind of good---but like every modern day son of a buck I spend more time thinking about getting things done then actually getting them done. Oh well, and oh...
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We do get sun occasionally here...even if we do always make out that it rains.!