... hmmm...

so they did it then.
the site, i mean.

all a bit confused/-ing, if youy ask me
(which of course nobody did).

but then, we do all fear the new and favour the old,
don't we?

sev must be chomping at the bit!

'Tis a bit strange I admit. I'm sure we'll get used to it. Although I am a luddite, so maybe just you will, not me. smile
Aimee & Jaguar was the first (and currently only) subtitled lesbian DVD in my film collection tongue It's quite hard to follow it at times - not because the plotline is hard, because it's not, it's easy enough to understand, but more that it becomes harder to understand why certain things are happening. I did however enjoy it (and not just because of the lesbianism tongue) because it is beautifully done and has a touching end to it that nearly had me in tears. But then I'm just an emotional old fool at the best of times wink

Well, it will be good to see you if you are free (I promise solemnly not to be so drunk that I've puked and left before you get there wink). I'm up for the Eels gig on Friday evening and then Sky's party on Saturday, before departing Sunday lunchtime to come home again.

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
go and see this.

all of you.

absolutely wonderful...


(yes, the profile pic will be changing to something less moody and more me, just as soon as I get home to my poor laptop... haven't been back for a few days, dirty stop out that I am!)


1. I quit.
2. when it rains it pours. almost.
3. somthing else that I...
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haha you are addicted...Ok imagine me...For the past six months, every week I have downloaded the latest episode of: Lost/OC/Desperate housewives/Prisonbreak etc from america so that I can watch them first...luckily they have all finished for the season so now I am taking a break and trying to learn how to be a person who speaks to other people and doesn't just watch tv haha.
Just wait until you see series 2 of LOST, Oh my god!shocked

Thankyou for your comments on my photos by the way smile

ok get back to the dvd now...
1) What?
2) Usually, and right now I wish it would (literally not figuratively wink)
3) Me either tongue
4) I have only seen 2 episodes
5) Excellent isn't it biggrin Have you gotten round to watching Aimee & Jaguar yet? I can lend it to you if you'd like kiss

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
Section IV - Rain

You have spelt complain as compain wink

Sorry, I'm a bit of a saddo proof-reader on the quiet wink

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
Hah, thanks!
... it's all over ...

to all that croseed,
you may uincross.
thank you.

... and i breathe a sigh of relief.


that's it.
no more exams. probably.

if i do more education,
either it's hands on
or totally research reliant.


woooo! Congratsmile xxx
Yay, well done you!! I hope you are out celebrating young man.

Shame my time in London went so wrong, I hardly saw anyone, even Elinor. Just people from Falmouth which was just silly. Next time eh!

ha ha. bruce and severus kids... they would be very beautiful, indeed. mmm. oh well. you can read about the bruce show in my journal now. kiss
books are always good
but then so are plants love

non photography day? Im trying to picture the celbration for that, and envisioning it all being rather boring. Then again, if it werent then it would be quite dissapointing that no one would be able to capture the fun and share it with others later.
"Non-photography day was such a blast, and all the people, ohh you should have been there!"
"Really, I have trouble believing that."
"Well, Id show you some pictures so you would know, but, yes..well...non-photography day and all..."

That skull looks cool though. And also yummy. wink
I've been pushing myself a little hard of late. As Rainwolfkin and Bateman may have noticed when I finally made it to The Ship, only to feel very wrong and scuttle off rather fast, tail between legs, headspace whoknowswhere...

Almost. Almost.


I think I'm addicted to learning. There's a great 8 week documentary filmmaking course that I'm considering for after I hand in my...
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I apologise again for having departed before you arrived blush You need to blame Anaphalaxis for it all, plying me with evil whiskey and tequila puke

I am back in 6 weeks. I shall not be drinking anywhere near as much as I did last weekend, and I would be really happy if you could make it out again (I promise to hang around this time wink)

I don't kiss and tell anywhere near as much as I sometimes would like

Me too wink kiss

Love and kisses
Michelle xx

mary poppinsing smile I like this verb.

I got a couple of days extension for that paper, so, to celebrate, here's a quick update for y'all out there...

(don't expect too much logic or planning in this one though)

1. there's a paper entitled "the camera people" by a chap called eliot weingberger. it is a refreshingly humorous critique of anthropological (and, to a degree, documetary) filmmakers. it reminds me of that...
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Well, keep on talking and I'm on my way. Ha ha. It's really not far away, I should go sometime. You're right about that. It's a pause in the movie watching cause someone gotta watch some Tv program. So far so good... Godfather I mean.
Ha ha haaaa. You know I hate alcohol right? Well, OK. You, and Bruce. But that's enough!

Having a good day? I'm trying to decide how everything should work in my website. Quite a lot to think about. I'm tired now.. I've been inside too much this week. Hopefully the weekend will mean some more outdoor activities...
in honour of charley and severus who seem, like, totally, picture-tastic.

my life, very briefly.

1. the soup is probably burning, so this is super brief.

2. not only am i a super-cocktail-making barwhore in a fancy-schmancy members bar in town, but i am also now a receptionist at a yoga company... i have to be in chalk farm (north london... i live east) at...
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OOOH, making me choose my favourite piece of underwear, that is too hard, on the last count I have 60 pairs of panties, and I love them all! haha, I'm too greedy whatever I am partial to frills and bows though and suspenders.
My dream item to make.humm, well I have this idea that all pants should have the option of attaching suspenders so thats gonna be an idea I pursue..!

How tall am I? I am somewhere between 5 ft 4 and 5 ft 5. I think I have shrunk an inch somewhere along the line as I'm sure I used to be nearer 5ft6 not 5ft4...so shortish i guess..

and breakfast.. well for the last 6 months at least I have been faithful to porridgesmile yum, and I make it with water (I don't eat milk but prefer it with water to soya) and I like it to be so thick you can almost slice it, most people think this is gross but I wake up every day and look forwards to it! Oh and also apple juice and a peppermint tea, yum.

what do you eat? I have a really odd dietfrown haha

Thank you for caring enough to write me that. Yes, there will always be someone better. I wish I could just let shit go.. and just be, and not let bad stuff win over good stuff all the time. And not think too much, and not freak out, and just have some fucking balance and not end up on the floor so easily. Some days are just harder than others I guess. I appreciate your words. kiss