isn't it strange the way that, even when things are going well in many of the more important departments of our life, even the most positive of us can still be taunted by the sways of paranoia and pessimism?

thought you'd agree.

hippy new yar, by the way kiddies.

ha, well observed indeed. i used to be on here as iliad/teela and was too rubbish to renew my account correctly so i have a new one, THIS ONE in fact, add me back one time yo x
Happy birthday shithead!

Not that I imagine you'll be reading this any time soon!
i haven't double-checked, but i'm pretty sure my account is about to run dry.
so, just in case it might all suddenly go dark, i thought it was high time i fulfilled my promise and left a proper update.

- i'm still in london, i'm still bartending at events, still getting by. i'm still seeing the same lass (over 8 months now: still seems special...
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Aha! Here he is. I'm hardly on at all nowadays. I've got a new mobile # which I'm going to message you as I don't remember if I have yours or not. A drink or a cup of coffee would be good if you're about!
'sup y'all?

[ahuh. still here...
probably even owe a proper update.
is that okay?]


no travelling for me i had an insane cold for two weeks couldnt get on a plane, very stressfull schedule so no can do. later. now i'm finally kind of ok! i need to finish my website. it's so dark here... you turn into a zombie.
I'm doing well thank you dear man biggrin It is only days until I reach the streets of London once again, this time to meet with someone to have rather a lot of fun with wink There is the small matter of a SGUK theatre trip too. A fun weekend is planned indeed, only this time I'm more excited about the someone, than the meet tongue

I hope all is still well with you and your girl, you really DO need to update!!!!

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
well, all paid up and thus, i suppose, still about, I still think of you all enough that I though I should drop in, see how you all are, and fill you in what I've up in the last 6 weeks...

working backwards:
1. my dog is dying. he has epilepsy, pancreatitis, was recently diagnostic as diabetic, has developed cataracts and now was sent home...
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Oh you should, I loved it!!

Sorry to hear about the dog frown sad, sad. I can't have a pet these days, it's too emotive.

London, practically there. Just need to find a real place to live!
to whom this might possibly concern,

i must say, this site just isn't doing it for me much anymore.

i don't come on here much;
i don't feel like i'm a part of any community here any more (as much my fault, I'm sure);
and, as i have always said, life is about change.

like the littlest hobo,
i fear it is time to move...
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I know the feeling also. However, I have no particular desire to leave. After all, there's tits and stuff to look at wink
Gah, how very dare you!

You make sure you keep in touch, ok?? And that means answering texts when I send random ones!! tongue

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
a selection of assorted quotations from my research,
proferred for your delectation
and blah.

I want to see Brazil as a drama where the beginning reappears at the end and where - in the dialectic of indecision, reflex, and paradox - the bandit can perfectly well take his place in the parlor even as the hero (a handsome, mustachioed owner of a coffee plantation, already...
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The ascetism of inner body discipline is no longer incompatible with outer body hedonism, but has become a means towards it (Csordas 1994: 2

I like this one smile

The heat. Is. UGH! I hate temperatures over 24 degrees, I absolutely loathe this humidity we're having, and to top it all off, I have a bloody COLD confused How the hell do you get a cold when it's 35 degrees??? shocked

love, hugs, dry humping, sweat, blood, and tears, and all sorts between.

I'll take the lot thanks tongue kiss

Love and kisses
Michelle xx

otherwise engaged.

preoccupied, some say.
occupied, i offer.

the mullet has gone, the tongue piercing removed.
the dissertation begun, tentatively and with the care of those first steps.

things, ah! things, things indeed...

i wonder:
is it really such a crime for all fiction to emerge as essentially autobiography?

i must say, i grow discontented with some areas of my life.
but change, as they...
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I fear my own autobiography. Chapters of mind numbing boredom, alternating with Chapters of such ludicrosity, even I disbelieve them...

Ho hum.
tonight i meet her mother.
for dinner.
all formal like...
(whilst her pa is away. hmmm.)

cross thine fingers, i ask.


... the new bar-esque plan isn't running quite according to, well, plan.
but then, what does?


my new fob watch is super fine; super sexy; super me; super super.


question: your favourite quotation?... hit me.

How art thou fallen from...
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How was the dinner?did you charm her mum completely?smile
Tsk. Tsk.

I hope you have a suitable explanation ready this time??? tongue

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
busy busy busy -
indeed, as the proverbial bee.

and that's mighty busy!
busy buzzy buzzzzzy.


this (i.e. the new profile pic) is how I have been dressed of late.
but i couldn't find away to cycle like this... (plus-fours seemingly always of tweed or the such)

... but then i watched Orphee (thanks Charley... and not, apparently, SnowBallInHell, who prefers, well, other sources...
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"why must there always be a but?" i also want to know this.
1. I was being sarcastic, ha!

2. It is, she has come home until August, which is lovely for me and for her I guess. I will pass that message on.

3. Well apparently I have them. Serves me right for living in a town where small, blonde, tanned surf chicks prevail. It's all too easy to feel like one has fleas.

4. It certainly was. Did you enjoy? I love it but then I am a sucker for French movies of a certain era, I was absolutely born in the wrong era.

5. Hope you are indeed moving on to bigger and better things and that summer London is treating you well!

... hmmm...

so they did it then.
the site, i mean.

all a bit confused/-ing, if youy ask me
(which of course nobody did).

but then, we do all fear the new and favour the old,
don't we?

sev must be chomping at the bit!

'Tis a bit strange I admit. I'm sure we'll get used to it. Although I am a luddite, so maybe just you will, not me. smile
Aimee & Jaguar was the first (and currently only) subtitled lesbian DVD in my film collection tongue It's quite hard to follow it at times - not because the plotline is hard, because it's not, it's easy enough to understand, but more that it becomes harder to understand why certain things are happening. I did however enjoy it (and not just because of the lesbianism tongue) because it is beautifully done and has a touching end to it that nearly had me in tears. But then I'm just an emotional old fool at the best of times wink

Well, it will be good to see you if you are free (I promise solemnly not to be so drunk that I've puked and left before you get there wink). I'm up for the Eels gig on Friday evening and then Sky's party on Saturday, before departing Sunday lunchtime to come home again.

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
go and see this.

all of you.

absolutely wonderful...


(yes, the profile pic will be changing to something less moody and more me, just as soon as I get home to my poor laptop... haven't been back for a few days, dirty stop out that I am!)


1. I quit.
2. when it rains it pours. almost.
3. somthing else that I...
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haha you are addicted...Ok imagine me...For the past six months, every week I have downloaded the latest episode of: Lost/OC/Desperate housewives/Prisonbreak etc from america so that I can watch them first...luckily they have all finished for the season so now I am taking a break and trying to learn how to be a person who speaks to other people and doesn't just watch tv haha.
Just wait until you see series 2 of LOST, Oh my god!shocked

Thankyou for your comments on my photos by the way smile

ok get back to the dvd now...
1) What?
2) Usually, and right now I wish it would (literally not figuratively wink)
3) Me either tongue
4) I have only seen 2 episodes
5) Excellent isn't it biggrin Have you gotten round to watching Aimee & Jaguar yet? I can lend it to you if you'd like kiss

Love and kisses
Michelle xx