Warning: Irritated Academic/Artist at Work!

There's been an ongoing debate within anthropological film, centred around its crisis of identity, over the last thirty-odd years. This was undoubtedly sparked somewhat by anthroplogy's own existential dilema, itself driven by the (I feel, irritating) tail-chasing of postmodernist reflexivity (what right have we to anaylse them? who are they? how can one tell their tale without it...
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Still up for Wed night if you are lad! gimmie a text wink

Besides doing a Google image search I really couldn't tell you a better corvid photo source.

As for settling down..yeah, it is a good idea...but how does one choose on what to settle?
3 bits of news for today's update.

1. My ex-lover (I become increasingly dissatisfied with the singular 'ex') left a voicemail on my phone yesterday whilst at work. It was long, and gentle, and thoughtful and hinged around the observation: 'once so close, now so far...' For those not in the know, just before I went skiing, I told her, as we sat talking over...
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Don't you wickle sniffle me cuntrbeath!

Probably mid week then? Wed or Thurs is good for me. I'll be around Bond St, Soho, Tott Crt Rd from 6pm both days. Good for you?
From what I understood of that, I'd agree with most of it. Just one mistake - the use of the word 'apparent' when describing our 'authority and superiority'. wink

Interestingly enough I diagnosed three new cases of gayness last week.

And we do keep all the best drugs for ourselves. You just get the cheapest ones (or none at all if you have breast cancer....).
back from a week in the alps skiing!

yes, that's right. I, of vertiginous tendencies, adoring of sun and sea and beach, of feet-on-the-ground, of faffing, mooching, and all the like... I skied. I ski. I am a skier...

aside from the occasional edge-of-the-mountain trepidation, I must say that this has been one of the best weeks I've had in a while now.

also, beyond...
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I went Southward and Eastward - make sense? It ain't the heath you're thinking of!

Ski trip sounds good... and I'm glad things are getting back tyo normal for you.

Are you going to Ms Rain's birthday drinks? Would be great to catch up.

kiss kiss

My laptop died and I couldn't reply to your last message until now or pass on a message from Nell. She says hi and she would like to see you, do you still have her number?

Skiing hey? Very posh, ha I would be crap at that. You should come to Cornwall, it has many hidden charms you know your Ma is a canny woman.
let's say you have a choice.

a PhD in Social anthropology.
It'll take 4-5 years (including one year away doing fieldwork).
let's say you start in 2008. (wow! that's ages away...)

do you go to Berkeley, Columbia, Sussex, or SOAS?
... California, NY, Brighton, or London?

what do you reckon?
have you ever thought about professor chinn?
ahhh i'm so glad you have only ORSUM taste in comics! i should have known i could expect nothing less wink
Made a cocktail, won an all expenses trip to Moscow.
Celebrities for one night, mixing it up with an earpiece and mic,
poor Moscow never saw us coming!

Earned a kiss just for being,
and another in French.

"When will they return -
those marvelous English barchaps?!"
they were heard to proclaim.
And they offered us jobs...

I miss the snow. I miss the breakfast....
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that's bloody brilliant! nice one!

i wish you read comics and were into seven soldiers, i'd love to know what you made of morrison's writing.
No my dear man, it's THIS Friday (the 17th) tongue

I'll be back weekend of May 6th aswell, so you bloody well better find some spare time to meet me then if you're not around this week tongue

Love and kisses
Michelle xx

Back from Moscow.

Will tell all as soon as I get a longer than five minutes online...

Till then (perhaps a day or two), give me a hint as to what's been going on with you...

Damn it's cold.

hehehe, that's very funny. Ash : Baltic.

I've known him since I was 5!
Memorial for Daniel S. Frank 19/11/80 - 19/10/05

In the period following Dans death, time fell apart: hours crawled like weeks, days fell like minutes, and somewhere in this mist, I came across a poem. It helped somehow, and I have returned to it many times since. So I would like to share it with you, followed by a few memories...

On Death, Without Exaggeration...
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I really enjoyed looking at your pics...u remind me of someone I know...you are very sexy blush
Any saint would recognize this memorial. In such a state as to not know what to say, I wish to say everything... But then the failure arrives. Not that I think everyone who may understand something this deep and direct has to loose someone this close to them to "really know," but I do have to say that I too lost my best friend, although it was many years ago. Have you thought about polishing this and using it as a cornerstone for a published chapbook or anthology? Even as a piece of work that you may try to someday showcase in some kind of forwadness to the public? (Not that SG showcases it's girls and members to quite the WHOLE wide world...) But, what I am truly saying (in avoidance of turning this reply into a 400 page thesis), is that this is a fresh documentary filled by and created by an act of true art. A feeling of and through true art. People really FEEL that in a piece of literature, poetry, or whatever it may be. These things, if they get out there, will not go unheard. They just won't... And I apologize for bum-rushing your journal, but I stumbled in through one of the poetry groups. Write On!
my brain hurts.
my heart hurts too, but my brain really hurts.

i got my hair cut to provide greater ventilation,
but it still hurts.

it aches at the back.
it throbs at the front.
it pulsates in the middle
and at the top.


so i'm speaking at the tribute/memorialfor my friend who died a few months back. it worries me a little that...
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oh darlin'. you can't know what it will be like until you are there. all you need to know is what now is like, and when you speak at the memorial then you just have to be present with all your might.

kisses to your noggin, I know how it feels, mine is about the same. if only it would calm down then it might not hurt so. but i can't make it stop so for the moment i have given up trying.
this made me sad, hon, try to think of positive things and ill send u a jolt of good cheer...u have incredible eyes blush I loovvee the PrincessBride miao!!
Illness is more than this presocial actuality; it is not, in the words of Phil Brown a given biomedical fact but a set of understandings that are inconstant and socially constructed (1995:37). Thus, when the patient enters into the biomedical system - either through personal choice or in response to the social compulsion to adopt and accept the sick role, if categorized as necessary -...
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you know, it's surprising how many people I have come across who have only seen the film and not read the book! thats why I asked smile I read the book before I saw the film.

I love those films you remember from being little, and it's funny how when you grow up there are always ones that no-one has ever heard of except you and It's like it was a made up thing in your imagination..

thank you darling for your support...much appreciate kiss kiss
Defining Emptiness

Our conversation wore its holes
like the grandmothers crocheted shroud,
like the tired, old blanket that covered you
whenever you slept on our sofa.

Insubstantially, now, you fill these vacancies
in our communal fabric;
a vapour vital like the air in-between,
making holes whole,
emptiness defining.

You appear in memoriam,
firing in ethereally in that voice -
a reprimand of taste, an abusive...
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im a canon girl me,
although my current camera is a fuji finepix s7000!
thanks dude, same to you! wink
from deepest, darkest wales,
in a house literally brimming with people,
i bid you a fond and fabulous
happy new motherfucking year!

may this one be better
because, frankly,
the last one really wasn't all that...

this year i will:
finish my MA
set in motion my travels
get back into the capoeira roda
see more masseurs/accupuncturists/etc.
take more photographs
write more
generally be more,...
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Hello. My name is Michelle, but you knew that anyway silly boy tongue

This year, I have no expectations. Expectations and resolutions I have found just get shattered and I am fed up with the dejectedness that they bring. Whatever happens this year, will happen, and I shall just deal with each circumstance as it occurs.

There's lots of things I would like to do but time, money and personal circumstances will no doubt serve to hinder most of those plans whatever

Happy New Year to you too sweetie, and I hope that 2006 brings you everything you want and more. And that we actually get to meet up in person next time I get to London tongue

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
It's a deal!