I am feeling a little better since my last post. Work has been hell so I haven't had too much time to think about life. Is it just me or does it seem like the days that are mentally trying leave you mose exhausted than physical work? I get my day off tomorrow so I get a chance to relax and unwind. as least as...
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Autumn always looks more beautiful on a bike. Congrats on understanding what you want & deserve. I know you'll find her. Good luck! smile
Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are headed. We must sail sometimes with the wind, and sometimes against it ~ but sail we must, not drift nor lie at anchor.

So I have been feeling a little down lately, lonely in a sense. I guess like most, I fall somwhere in the middle of the confidence scale. Lately, though,...
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I can totally empathize with where your head is at. I truly believe that you will find someone worthy of your love & who returns your love in the same measure. You will find someone who is willing to work just as hard as you to make that love last. I believe that if you keep that hope alive you can find that person. My fingers are crossed that you find the person worthy of you smile
Thanks, I hope you are right.
So, I haven't been on in a while and I am bored so I thought I would post up something. I finished all of my training and I made it to Iraq. It is not bad here. We have plenty of fast food places on base and gyms, pools....blah blah blah. We also have a lot of sand and I freaking hate it. There are...
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Well, I am in my barracks today bored and sick. I spect the last two days in the field setting up our equipment in 100+ degree weather and the end result is a little sunbern and severe dehydration. That means today rather than go out and take part in the fun part of this excercise, I am sitting here drinking water. Oh well, there is...
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Well, I am once again bored with nothing worth doing. I am stuck in Lawton Oklahoma for training before I deploy to Iraq. We are almost done which means there is light at the end of my tunnel but it also means the the routine has become very mundane and I have done everything I have any sort of desire to do while I am...
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A Sailors Sleepless night

Feeling alone, I stare into the heavens. As I gaze into the clear night sky my mind drifts off, finding a distant place. It is peaceful here and I am not alone. The memories of my past flood in. They bring joy to a stressful day. My mind clings to the memories in this place. Everything is perfect here. I find...
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Safe In The Arms Of Pain...
August 2007

I tried to kill the pain

But all that died was me

I hid inside my walls

But still the pain was there

You found me in that tomb

I cowered because pain was all I knew

By your hand I was freed

But the pain it would not leave

You gave your love to me

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