Apparently I suck at life.
Ask my boyfriend-he knows all about how I suck at life.
And he's never wrong.
And he knows everything.
And his ideals are fucking perfect.


I can't work on my English paper now. Or my chem lab. I can't do anything.

My brain is going to explode. I hope it takes me down with it.
Just kidding, I found it.

The word of the day is: FUCK.
As in, "I don't fucking want to," pertaining to just about everything right now.
I don't want to do my homework, the dishes, pay my bills, work out, give you a hand job-I just don't fucking want to. This is what generally happens about this time of year. I don't even particularly mind...
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I love how the noisiest neighbors are always the ones quickest to jump on anyone else about noise.

You should play DDR in an arcade, it's more fun that way anyway!
I suck really hard at the arcade ones. I don't really know what the difference is.....
But soon I am moving to a bottom floor apartment! smile
I just fucking deleted a whole long blog.

I fucking hate my life.
I know face the issue that I would rather be working out in my underoos or getting naked on the internet than doing my homework.
Pretty much everything is better than homework.
So work and school have not killed me.....yet. I am doing surprisingly well at school even though I am half-asleep most of the time and I have missed 2 chem classes due to over-sleeping. My house has been in a relatively clean and organized state lately, which adds to my overall sanity (or takes away from the general lack thereof.) I got some pictures for...
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Study, study, study. The sick part is that I am having so much fun. I wish that I could quit my job so I would have more time to study. My friends are starting to call me Hermione; I don't think that I mind. *tee hee* I feel so happy, like I have a reason, a purpose, and it is to learn science!
Okay, back...
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So tomorrow I start shcool. I could not be more excited. After a year of dealing with the schoo losing my papers and failing to inform me I needed to fill out more, etc, etc-which screwed me out of financial aid, I am finallly starting. And the governement is paying for it. I am getting an AS-T (Associate's in Science transfer degree) and then I...
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Poli Sci major and Math Minor.

Linear Algebra is just hard because I let myself get behind. It's a lot of matrix math that apparently everyone else on the planet learns in a class that isn't even a pre-req for Lin Alg. I missed that memo I guess, so I'm learning it as I go.
Ah, I see. I took integrated math-because that's what you get when you go to school on a little secluded island. It teaches you everything at once, it just gets more intricate/difficult every year. It's pretty lame and it skips methods that everyone else learns so now I am having to learn the dumbest things, like five different ways to write a set of numbers or variables. Bleh.
Hurray! Two days off from work AND both my roommates leave today for a week. I can't express how happy this makes me. I can clean and no one will mess it up for one whole week! I need to go buy a new fish tank as my oscar has outgrown his, but he will have to wait until next week; I am broke and...
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I was going to say that's some heavy reading, until I read the rest of your journal.

I feel so bad for pets. I've had fish in the past and I just always wanted like 10,000 gallon tank for them to roam around in and have fun.
I'm not on that much anymore; I forget to say hello to the people on here I might have known. Some girl was nice at the pool today, I might have been friends with her if I hadn't been more interested in my book. I am coming to realize how anti-social I am. Or maybe just no good at making new friends. I like the...
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I too suck at making friends. Good luck with school!
I didn't really do anything special, but a friend of mine did make me Angelfood confetti cake today, so that was cool.
so i just found out that you can hide a septum piercing at work
and I'm going on vacation soon
so that's what I'm going to do
and then one day I won't work at Starbucks anymore and it won't matter then