So someone bought me a membership back on this website. Thanks? I don't know who you are, or why you did it, but I guess I'm thankful.
Ugh, so crazy crushes have certainly mellowed out. I can have a conversation with my dude friend again, and it's not all jackassy the way it was a month ago. Though I did recently take up flirting with my gay boys and that's helped. I've been into making out with my chick friends, and that's been rocking.

Plus I recently made out with a Mistress...
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Note to self: If I ever wind up in Chicago due to Egyptology or religious studies... I must go clubbing.
Thank you for adding me as a friend.
so now I'm crushing on a boy?!? WTF?

He's totally cool, and he's my friend besides, but seriously, I'm confused. I desire a boy who doesn't wear panties? For serious?

ugh, this is all a totally new concept for me, this lustyness. Weird! But fun? I don't know, I don't really get to act on any of this, so it's annoying, too.

So, we work...
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Thanks for the comment on my multi with Bunni in member review! kiss

yeah, it sucks. i mean, it's cute that they keep going with the "it's not you, it's me" approach, but i keep dating them, so it has to be a little bit me, right?
So, I recently got off my birth control. It's been three weeks since I stopped and I feel great.

Also, I'm seeing everyone as a sex object.

With that in mind, I got to make out with my friend. Ok, a little more than that. I got to rub up against her. And play with her (awesome) titties, and later, we made out in a...
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Well, the infatuation is over. I fell for nothing. Turns out Cynthia is not only married to a dude, but has been for 8 years, and she has an 8 year old son. Meh. She's still sweet and I want to be friends with her, but it's still a bummer. The magic is gone. The newness is oldness.

On a brighter note, one of my...
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ugh, that cynthia thing seemed so promising. sorry about that.

anywho...the birthday battle plan is pretty basic: on my birthday (the 26th) we meet at the hotel, hilarity ensues, return to hotel, pass out. there should be details (times, names of places) in a day or two, so keep an eye out.
It's so sad to hear how many people don't listen, don't pay attention to their life. So many people have said they wished they could have spent more time with loved ones after they have lost them. So many people need death in order to realize what wonderful things were already around them. So many people stop looking at their life and become selfish and...
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i really have no idea why that posted comment empty, as opposed to full of all those words i wrote.


gray: happening soon. real soon.

gifts: it's never too late to buy me something awesome, especially since x-mas is now-ish and my birthday is in about a month.
i know you love me, but who doesn't like a reminder every now and then?

thanks so much for the gift! i got your card ages ago, i thought i mentioned it? regardless, it was awesome and appreciated. hopefully the phone issue will be resolved soon. also, i'll be in c-bus for my birthday and it'd be badass if you could come hang out.

any new years plans? i'll be spending mine ballrooming with the watt's and all the rest, so your love will be sent.

happy new year!
I could really go for some pussy right about now...

With that said, I gave Cynthia my number. People say it's cute. That I'm obvious but cute. That she seems interested in me. That my gaydar is dead on. That they don't know what I see in her. I know so little about her, and I'm infatuated. I'm loving it.
I have become intrigued. And that's bad.

Intrigue leads to things. Bad things. Not always, but it'd be bad this time around.

I am suffering a person vs. self conflict, and I have not yet found a way to make it better. I am torn between myself and the world. I always am. I should be used to this. I have found my love, for...
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it's okay to have lustful thoughts. it's not like your other is gonna leave you for being attracted to someone else, so long as you don't get all handsy, which you won't. this chick is hot, and hot for you, but since you don't intend on going near her girl parts, you have nothing to worry about.

you're human, thats all. congratulations on joining the rest of us. it's nice here.
Why do I find it easier to fight for other's rights as opposed to fighting for my own? God I hate confrontation, even when I know I have every right to be upset/sad/angry with whatever it is I'm doing the confronting thing about... *takes a breath*

Ok, so I'm having some seriously stupid issues at work, and it's grating on my nerves, but I'm not...
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It occurred to me that I may not be nearly as active on SG as opposed to my other various internet based addictions.

I'm not really sure what I should write about, unfortunately. I have had several conversations that scratched slightly deeper than the surface and it almost makes me sad. I see people with faith in hatred, and a have seen a wider range...
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oh, you!

-- you should go poking through my old blogs. i write about everything and anything. sometimes, when i'm feeling especially lazy, i'll post the same blog here and on myspace.

-- the world is a crazy, and more often than not, overwhelmingly disappointing place. the best thing you can do is the same thing you've always done: raise your voice, make your opinions known.i'm listening, so i'm sure other people are too.

-- you're a fairly non-sequitur gal, which is why i love you. your blog is, shockingly, yours. why not let it relfect...you?

-- sorry, i've been writing lots of lists lately. blackeyed