so v-day was ok. i baked jacek some cookies cause even tho i told him not to get me anything i was assuming he really would and i wanted to be prepared. well he really didn't and that is quite ok. i really dont like being given presents on certain days. i think gift giving should be a totally random thing, cause its supposed to...
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Happy B-Day!

haha. updated my profile and dating profile on here finally cause i have really changed alot since jesse. i hope its for the better.
click this> SarahJane biggrin
i was so excited to finally meet you friday! you are a verrrrry gorgeous girl. did you enjoy yourself?
hmmm...so i'm happy with a guy again, but i can honestly say that i'm afraid that i won't be able to really find myself in love again for a while even tho we seem so compatible and very happy together. the love i had for jesse was soo deep and i think that leaves a lot for jacek to live up to. but we'll see....
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wow...youre from hayden too!? i am quite surprised. i didnt think anyone around here actually paid for a membership, they just talk like they do. very neat.
yes yes....hayden sux, but it is home. since u live in town u should check out the party i'm throwing on the 2nd at the tea house if u like tekno. check on my journal in events. biggrin
so ignore the last entry. that guy gave me the brush off. whatever. but a week ago today i met a great guy. we have spent time together almost every day since then- usually just hanging out with ours friends together which is nice and talking alot. its so nice to find someone u hit it off with so well and we haven't really had...
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confusion.... is a guy thats barely 20 yrs old old enough to understand the concept of "fuck buddies" or just "sex for the sake of sex"? or will they assume if u sleep with them u want to be their girlfriend. just a theorhetical question. asking for a friend.

oh yeah- and i kinda want to go bowling for the "E WA, N ID"group. i...
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happy holidays!
happy new year! biggrin
i had a greeeeaaaaT! weekend. partied for 41 hours straight. lots of funny weird shiot happend. the 10 bucks to go to the show wasn't really worth it cause it wasn't really my fave kinda techno and there were lots of ppl and a small place. i didn't stay too long and i guess it got shut down about an hour early. the party at...
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I'm glad you had fun!
check the east wa/north id group....

edited cause im retarded!

[Edited on Dec 14, 2004 10:48AM]
i hope that this will be a last entry of boohoo jesse this or tha but i need to vent! so last night was so fucking weird. i have no idea what happend. yes i do. i just don't want to know. and fair warning this will prob be a long entry. soooo.....met a few dear old friends of mine to shoot the shit and...
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Guys fucking suck..... well, i guess girls do too. OKay... People in general fucking suck. This is why I don't fukcing let myslef get attached to ANYONE.
You know that saying.... "Fool me once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame on me." I have come to find out that saying is wrong..... should be more like: "Fool me once - shame on you. Go back and you'll be fooled again." Almost anyone who goes back to someone who has fucked them over is bound to be hurt again. I'm not talking about going back and being careful, just forget the fucker altogether. He will realize what an idiot he was and will want you back, and you CAN'T LET HIM GET YOU AGAIN.
People fucking suck. I'm sorry.... hope this helps.
Hey can you tell me more about the event at the big dipper that you posted. Are you going?
so yeah- jesse and i have called it quits officially now. told him i really don't care at this point. we will still be friends and maybe after some time we will be able to work things out but as of right now i am blackend on the inside and don't give a damn. now as long as the whorish holly doesn't return i'll be...
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Hey hey.....I'm here too smile
i really wish i knew wtf was going on! so as the plot thickens jesse and i both went out on thanksgiving eve- i just chilled and played some pool and drank and watched my friends get attacked by and oppressed, inebreiated, cali-girl lesbian while he went bar hopping and ended up at the grail *PUKES* where he got shitfaced and who knows what. but...
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finally got out of bed yesterday after 2.5 days and went out promptly to get drunk. i needed that. now i need to find a job. just taking baby steps. and i think i may have someone intrested in my dog so that is good. need to give her a new home. talked to jesse last night and today and he's in about as good...
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Because nothing ever seems to stay the same as hard as you want it to. Just look at it this way, at least you weren't the one who fucked it up. At least you didn't lie to him and make tons of mistakes. That is a much harder thing to deal with. Trust me, I know. Things will get better eventually. But it could take alot of time too. I got your message this morning, and I will give you a call here in a little bit ok hun? Talk to you soon.