That dress fuckin rawks girl! And of course white leather belts are always the shit. I have a couple of em... biggrin kiss
awww....i wanna make something from scratch. bah frown
its really cool...
my final project for the semester is a jacket...heh...with bound buttonholes..apparently its more professional, but who really cares about bound buttonholes, i ask you, really.. eeek eeek eeek eeek
hehe...what a rad looking dog, and a sharp attitude...
I like the cut of that pup's jib... and also very nice shoes although they aren't pointy
I spent the morning at school helping set up the huge exhibition my department is having in the Main Mall. I have three pieces in the show and another piece in a silent auction (a fundraiser for the department). I decided to leave since my time would be better spent working on my massive essay instead of standing around watching other people move stuff. Tomorrow...
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ah sweet, well...don't blame us if we try to convince you to stick around biggrin
What was teh best e var, cutie?
I went to the Black Swan to see Reverie Sound Revue play and it was fabulous. I nursed the same pint of Grasshopper for over two hours and smoked many cigarettes while talking with friends. It was a great night of introductions, finally talking to a number of people I've always wanted to meet. The show itself was absolutely fabulous--everyone in Reverie is fucking gorgeous,...
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hi there...just wanted to tell you that i really like your artwork...as well as the jumping on the bed images.
If I could write that beast for you, sweetie, I would, but I think it would be pretty obvious to all concerned that you weren't the author of it.

*ahem* Introductory paragraph: "Imagine that you are at the top of the German art scene. You have been King Shit of Deutschland for ages, growing fat and ugly and stodgy and staid and boring. Now imagine there's a knock at your door one day. You go and answer it and it's some young guy you've never seen before--lithe and strapping and handsome and fresh-faced and, above all, incredibly stylish. He bids you good day, then kicks you in the nuts and steals the crown right off your head. That is, in essence, what the founding of the Bauhaus School in 1919 did to the German art and design scene of the day."
I'm in a desperate need of a hair cut but my stylist isn't free until April 2nd. The worst thing about having short hair is the up-keep. If I don't get it trimmed/reshaped/hacked off every six weeks, I start to look like a streel*. So until I get my hair hacked off again, I have to compensate by wearing hats, scarves and brown paper bags...
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It's snowing? God damnit.

I made my pee green last year. Green koolaid, green cookies (foodcoloring OD), green everything.

And yeah, I know what an argyle is. You just don't normally hear people around here calling them that, is all.

I too have rhubarb in the garden, but my miao!!'s are afraid of it, like everything else.

Wow, this is an absurdly long journal convo.
nice kerning.
Sleep is good. Oh god, so good.
Man, I've been enjoying me some sleep in the past couple of days. Boy, howdy!

Hello, I am the "guy with the hat", mainly because I wear hats all the time. You may call me Tom if you like. Pleased to meet you.

Had you have stayed for Thorazine you could have told everyone you were at a death metal show too. Most of the hardcore kids cleared out when their parents came to pick them up (no really, it was hilarious), and thats when all the death metal ogres came out of hiding. Some of the remnant hardcore kids decided to do their stupid dance moves to Thorazine, only to get rushed by the death metal moshers.

Funny thing - I actually noticed your sweater before I noticed Chris. I said to my friend "now she's about as out of place as you can get", and when I looked back I noticed Chris was standing right next to you.

By the way, you should ask Chris about what him and I were doing at the reading week bash. It's spicy. Zzzing!
I managed to get all my sewing done for this morning, now all I have left to do is an artist statement defending my work. Artist statements have to be the worst things to write in the world, really. I can barely wrap my head around the ideas that inspire my work leave alone write a one page statement on it. I mean, the whole...
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Of course your work can't speak for itself--it has to be constantly scrutinized by people who can't think for themselves or hold their own opinions. This is the life you have chosen (and I use that word in the loosest sense, since I know that neither of us have much choice over what we do creatively), and as such, you'd better get used to it (even if it's just feeding lines of total crap to the more pompous among them, and watching them nod thoughtfully).

And I know you don't really wish you didn't love your work so much, because if you did, you might end up like me with a 3/4 done novel. ,) (Admittedly, I do love that book and I want to see it done--now I just need oto figure out a way to do it.)
I think I have officially worn myself out today. Crap.

But, I am getting work done. Even if it seems like it's always at the last possible moment.

Good things
- taking naps in the middle of the afternoon while watching Beetlejuice
- driving with the windows down
- rocking out to my music in the studio
- a really awesome fella that calls my...
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Hi. .)

And hear you on the bed front. My bed is officially RAD.
i can't watch a full movie anymore without passing out in the middle of it... i think i need more sleep at night.
How to make an Indie Gal feel awkward:

Bring her to a hardcore all-ages show-- she'll stick out so bad that it's hilarious.

Seriously, I've never felt more out of place in my life. Amongst the sea of fifteen year-old's in their black tshirts and heavy eyeliner, I stood in my tan corduroys and argyle sweater (with princess-poof sleeves!) trying to bob my head to...
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I tried to go but it was sold out. So instead I am on teh intarwebb. Boo-urns.
Can I go back to bed? Please? My fleece sheets and duvet are much more appealing right now than the 15 minute train ride to school.

Though, I guess it's nothing a cup of cawfee can't fix.


It'd be really neat if people just gave hugs for no reason. Not enough people do that.
You should come to my place where there are blankets. Also cuddling. In addition, I am a hug dispensary. But they're distributed for a reason. .)
The ulterior motive happens to be whether I like you or not. NO HUGS FOR THE NASTY ONES!

Are you coming over now or what?

Critiques today were completely anticlimatic. Guh. I'm pleased with how my work turned out but Dude! I really would have liked more feedback other than "Hey, that's neat". It made all the stressing I've been caught up in this week feel like a complete waste of time.

Though, a classmate did ask to purchase one of my four purses I made and that made me...
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I'm completely pumped on caffiene. Last year I gave up caffiene completely: coffee, dark colas--the works. Now I'm back in the nasty habit of not being able to function in the morning without a fix. I've had THREE large cups of coffee today and it's left me in this weird tired-wired state where I'm exhausted but too jittery to sit still.

The reason I've been...
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Yeah... not so far away... right... okay... that almost sounds plausible.
that's strange because i read in the globe today that women are less responsive to caffeine because estrogen provides more brain chemical balance, and i don't start getting hopped until 10 or 12 cups!