Happy Holidays!

I know I'm a couple of days late, but I mean it all the same! Hope everyone got what they wanted. I had a fairly quiet Christmas this year, although the tradition of drinking way too much on Christmas Eve was executed in full effect, with a bonus monster hangover! At least I didn't throw up!

I would write a longer blog but...
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family guy rocks!
Thanks. smile

You'll get to 29 I'm sure. I never really pay attention to mine growing, just sorta happens and then I look down and go woah my hair is loooong.

Been playing kill or cure with a large bowl of pasta, at the moment I still seem to be in cure. Waiting for the kill to turn up later lol.
Happy Thanksgiving to all you Americans!

Frankly, I'm happy because I'm on holiday now until the 3rd December! Yeehaw! The only things I have planned are to go to London to see Machine Head and also chill out. Work has been a bit of a nightmare recently. One of my colleagues came in last week, burst into tears, screamed "I can't do this anymore" and...
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So yeah...
innameonly = ignorant American. What a stereotype.
Happy Holidaze!
hello party people! I'm so very drunk right now and I know that drunk posts aren't the best so I'll be brief!

Today (20th October) is one of my very best friend's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TINA!!! Later we'll be going to Brighton to see Bloodhound Gang and Bowling For Soup, then going on to the Engine Rooms, for boogie-ing goodness. If anyone knows of good...
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hope the birthday bash went ok for ya hun and you had lots more to drink yah for booze biggrin
after that hard partying i think a good few cups of caffeine will deff do the trick to help you recover
love the new pics too very sweet love
Hey, did you enjoy the show. I was taking pics at the begining but the ended up getting drunk with Jared from BHG, im such a lightweight compared to him lol.
Off to Nottingham I shall go tomorrow! To see my wonderful friend Jen, who I went to university with. To celebrate, I made a new mix CD to listen to in my car. Here's what I put on it:

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme Music

  • Linkin Park - One Step Closer

  • Disturbed - Voices

  • Slipknot - Spit It Out

  • Rammstein -...
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That is an awesome driving CD. Loving the JEW and Smash Mouth, Goldfinger and Sum41.
It's good to be back- how are you doing? What have you been up to?

Blue is goooood biggrin
Whereabouts in Cornwall were you? I like it there, it's a nice place.
I'm excited about Halloween, don't think i'm going as a particular thing, but I have a dress that looks a bit "spooky", so I might just wear that. Going to see my friends rockabilly band at Engine Rooms in Brighton I think.
[to be said in a Homer Simpson voice] Hmmmm... pizza!

Back in my normal voice now, I just wanted to express how much I love Sundays! It's currently about 5:45pm, I'm still in my pajamas, sat in bed, munching on yummy mushroom, sweetcorn and extra pizza. Last week was a bad week. This week will be much better! mainly because I'll only be at work...
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This was my 3rd or 4th Download, I've been to the Leeds festival but its got too cheesy so I'm a download girl all the way now!
Next year I'm hoping to go RIP as some dick almost set fire to our tent this year! It was really good tho I love it!
Quite true although my friend who was sharing a tent with us slept through the chaos and I had to run past the firemen and wake him up and get him out of the tent just in case.
My mate also brought along two of his friends who were complete piss heads and that kinda ruined it for me too but n/m, overall I was having too much fun to let a couple of drunks ruin it for me smile
most bosses do that,must be the power trip they get from shouting at people grrr,even worse when there in the wrong and you never get a sorry from em

ah buffy did enjoy watching that series very much so,esp the early ones with drusilla in she was so cool and sexy at the same time.
hope you enjoyed your popcorn not a fan of that myself
Howdy peeps! How the devil are you? Good? Not good? I hope you're good.

My trip to Cornwall was amazing, even though it took me 7 1/2 hours to drive down there (it should have taken only 4 hours). It was good to see my friends and catch up, drink some beer, recover from drinking beer by having a picnic in the park, drink some...
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Sounds your having yourself a merry time. Wish I wasn't halfway around the globe, I'd Join you for BUFFY/ANGEL Night. By the way, were you disappointed with the way Angel Ended?
Not long until the soup tour now x
OK, in a drunken atempt in boosting my self esteem, I took some pics. I'm not saying they are good pics, but they are pics none the less. I did put some of them on here, but this morning, in the cold light of day, I took them down as I got chicken!

Moving on, maybe having too much beer and a camera can be...
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Hey you! How's things?
I love the animated Transformers movie so much! Have you seen the new special edition of it?

Hope you're all groovy!
glad to here that you had a cool hol too hun,mine was just fab all week
Today is two of my best friends' birthday, so Happy Birthday to Jen and Jayne! Tonight I will be going out to the pub to celebrate with them. We also went out on Saturday night to celebrate. We started at the pub, then went on to a club called Chaos, and after that I ended up at Gareth and Sarah's until 6am. I only went...
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Thanks for the Foo Link, Dear.

So, one birthday for two friends? Is it a Multiple Personality Disorder thing?biggrin

Things are okay, I guess.

I'm going out to play for a set in between sets of my friends' band tonight.
Not that I want to start off in a negative tone but I'M FED UP OF BEING SO FULL OF SNOT! There, that feels mildly better! It's finally beginning to fel like summer here in merry ol' England and I get a cold... Typical! To combat the effects of my cold, I have done the following:

Taken a lot of cold/flu medication, then drunk a...
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allways the same,once the sun starts to show its face the good old cold bugs think yeah we`ll give everyone a bloody cold mad
hope ya get rid of it quickly tho,without mixing booze and medication lol not good that one...

oh cornwall if ya go see about fetching some pasties back for us all biggrin
the terminator was an interesting concept for me too...it was simply thrust into my hands and i was ordered to drink it!